2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostSat May 11, 2019 10:31 am

You're absolutely right Salty. Even though I started out with an "average pick sheet", I adjusted it to my own values as I went along.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostSat May 11, 2019 11:12 am

STEVE F wrote:You're absolutely right Salty. Even though I started out with an "average pick sheet", I adjusted it to my own values as I went along.

Absolutely okay- everyone changes their minds about a player or players-
and you might want a player but cant get him- that's why I say its subtle- and tried to pick a guy that only a handful of people use with regularity that everyone knows about.

But I notice a pattern when its multiple players like this taken by the same team- usually 3 or 4.
Without naming names there is a guy that no one else drafted for the first few live drafts- so I got em either on waivers or very late 20s.
A bit ago he was going as high as round 6 (way too early) and was almost always gone by round 16 (closer to value).
(again, just one way with one example)


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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostThu May 16, 2019 12:06 am

What a great thread. I haven't looked at the boards in years. so many interesting ideas and analyses. I'm pretty sure I will be re-reading this.

You guys are smart, and petty as F'.

I still can't read a card. Never have tried really. It looks hard and youtube is amazing.

I've always wanted to have the skill set to be able to manage on a daily basis- it would definitely up the fun level. But it would also up the time level. Also, the deeper you get into this the old charm level is lost, although I'm sure the new charm level is just as engrossing.

Once again, my hat is off to you gentlemen.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostThu May 16, 2019 10:58 am

Fluffyman /Todd

You are fluent in Mandarin but can't read a Strat Card??

Anyway, you still living and teaching in China? Would love if you shared some of your experience of immersion in that culture. Might be the last place on earth I'd want to live, given the pollution, the cultural mores and the draconian government, but balance that with the potential availability of 600 million women and you should have some fascinating adventures!


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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostThu May 16, 2019 2:12 pm

Oh yeah. Throw in Thailand , Indonesia and the Philippines and its a raunchy man's delight.

I'm pretty sure this site is obscure enough that I can speak freely.
The Government doesn't feel oppressive, just restrictive. And they love to eavesdrop. Of course, it greatly helps that I'm an outsider, so they don't expect me to know or abide by their rules. So long as I don't embarrass them, I'm good to go. Flaunt their authority in public- not so much. The Chinese are all about how things look.

Day to day, the Chinese are very conscientious and sweet. Especially to Americans- who they think are cool (that will end some day). They are fantastic with their children and inclusive of all generations. I really like them. They can seem stand offish, but it's really that they are demure to strangers and self aware about their lack of English- which they find embarrassing. A few words in Chinese and they get friendly and nice real quick.

Their culture is 180 degrees different from the west, which makes me view them as the zaniest land in the world. They are also the least athletic country in the world. They utterly disdain exercise. The women would far prefer to starve themselves then sweat. They hold education in very high regard, yet suck at critical thinking. Need to memorize 100 items in 24 hours- they can do it. Come up with any 8 questions about those 100 items. Nope.

Keep in mind though, China is still a developing nation. They have a long ways to go.

But they take immense pride in being Chinese. They are not fans of any public criticism at all. Thats not a commie thing- that's a Chinese thing.

Also, if the US thinks it's going to get China to significantly alter how they do business- that ain't happening. Unless China decides to not be China- it's in their DNA. They'll be protectionist and steal intellectual rights and ideas all day long. China is smart enough to know that the real battle over who is number one will be over technology and they will do whatever it takes to help them catch up and over take everyone. So the US can do embargoes and conduct trade wars all it wants, the Chinese won't give in to anything significant. The ONLY thing that would get them to change that would be for an iron clad world wide embargo; and even then I'd give it a 50/50 shot that they would change. Which means an isolationist posture or 'light presence' like the US and far left wants is a really poor choice. Another reason dropping out of TPP was stupid. I mean beyond dumb. Who cares about the money and big business deals- it was the alliance and our leadership of it that mattered. The details could have been adjusted later.

They also love to steal bikes and scooters. But that's it. Their is no violent crime to speak of in China. The streets are very safe; especially for women and children; all day , all night. At least here in Beijing or in Shanghai. (Xinjiang is a different matter)

Money-wise they are honest to a fault. I tired to pay my maid an extra 50 RMB today ( 3.50 US) , she chased me across my apartment to give it back because she only thinks 100 RMB for three hours of cleaning is fair. They won't take tips. A bill of 98 is 98 and they will refuse to take more.

At the haggle markets, though, all bets are off; bargain away. They'll gouge your eyes out.

I could go on and on. But there is a little morsel for ya.

But no, I haven't bucked up and learned how to read a card. I'm too lazy and have Chinese kids to teach US History and US Government to... so they can come to the US, get into a badass universities and kick ass.

PS. My Chinese sucks. I plan to be here for another 9 years so there's still hope.

PSS Get that clown out of office he's scaring folks in a dumb way. Two years and our role in the international community is a sad, crumbly, joke. It's all I hear about from the international folks I come in contact with on a daily basis. And I don't mean just the Chinese. South Africans, West Africans, Europeans, East Asians, South East Asians, Central Asians, Australians, New Zeelanders, Canadians, South Americans- none of them can understand wtf the US is doing with that guy in the White House. All those folks love America and Americans and they don't get it. I try to explain that this is an inevitable result of the public's inability to understand the nuances of the Financial crisis of 07-08 and the resulting rise in populism, but it's over their head.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostThu May 16, 2019 7:20 pm

That was really interesting - thanks!


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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostThu May 16, 2019 9:30 pm

That was totally fascinating and enhancing.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostFri May 17, 2019 3:58 pm

Great post on China. Thanks!


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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostSun May 19, 2019 3:04 pm

Fascinating post. Incredible. This was already one of the best threads in quite a while, but your take has raised it to another level. Thank you for your candor, Fluffy.


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Re: 2018 BS Finals - The Last Druid is 2X Champ!

PostSun May 19, 2019 6:12 pm


You guys are so cool. Thanks for the props.

If any of you want a larger snap shot, feel free to PM me.

Also, if anyone is headed out to Beijing for a vacation, I'm happy to hook you up. The zaniest culture on earth. Or the smartest, I haven't figured it out yet. And easy access to three of the great ancient wonders (the Great Wall, The Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven). Peking duck, Hot pot, Xinjian food- what's not to love.

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