ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSat Aug 24, 2019 4:37 pm

Perhaps restricting ALLOWED guys only to teams they are carded to is the answer.

For example: David Cone has cards with KC, NYM and NYY.

In the AL, 6.84 Cone is ALLOWED for KC, so if KC doesn't auto-draft him, then only NYY would be "allowed' to claim him off waivers. If NYY is rotated out, then Cone would only be available to KC for that season. If KC is rotated out, then he would only be available to NYY. If both KC and NYY are rotated out, then he is "not allowed" by any team that season, etc., etc.

In the NL, his 6.28 NYM card is in play and would be free game in waivers should NYM not auto-draft him.


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSat Aug 24, 2019 5:26 pm

I believe the rule is already that a player (Cone for example) can ONLY be on a team that he was actually on in real life.

So in your example if KC doesn't autodraft him the rule is already that only NYY, Bos, and Tor can pick him up. No other team can get him cuz he didn't play for any other AL team. In other words, it doesn't matter what team(s) Cone (or anyone) is carded to, it matters who the player played for during his career.

If this is not right, Andy...then please let me know as I need to radically change my autodraft card.


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSat Aug 24, 2019 6:41 pm

This is how I understand the rules Paul.

The ONLY NL team he is available for is the Mets.


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSat Aug 24, 2019 9:36 pm

Yes, Paul, that is correct.


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSat Aug 24, 2019 9:42 pm

In the spirit of simplifying and addressing other concerns mentioned, I was just proposing that the current rule of "played for in real life" be changed to "carded teams only" for the ALLOWED players only.

My bad on the earlier NL Cone example. You are right.


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSat Aug 24, 2019 10:46 pm

Trying to relist rules, though my main focus is the question regarding ALLOWED players for the NL League and how to proceed.
Ok, here's how it's gonna go:

For this NL League's purposes, the only Rosters that matter are the NL League's Rosters.
1-The players on the various NL Team Rosters are Exclusive Property of that team when setting up your Autodraft.

2-The players on the 3 Rotated Out (or dormant) teams are available to be placed on your Autodraft card IF they played for your team at some point. Any player not on an NL Roster who played for your team can be added to your Autodraft Card.

3-You may use ONE High Dollar Player, either High Dollar Players indicated on your Roster, or ANY eligible Player over the 6.5 or 3.5 limits in the Player Pool who played for your team. Place a High Dollar player on your Autodraft card if he belongs to your Team's Roster, or he is not on your Roster but is on a Dormant Team, or he is on No Team's NL Roster (Jim Thome could be grabbed as the Phillies or Dodgers High Dollar player during the Autodraft because he is on NO NL Roster.) ANY player who played for your team has the option to be your High Dollar Card after the Autodraft runs.

4-NL ALLOWED players are only ALLOWED for the NL League. AL ALLOWED players are only ALLOWED in the AL League. Place an NL ALLOWED player on your Autodraft card if he belongs to your Team's Roster, or if he is not on your NL Roster but is on a NL Dormant Team. ANY NL ALLOWED player who played for your team has the option to be added to your Team after the Autodraft runs.

5-NL ALLOWED players are NOT ALLOWED players for the AL League. AL ALLOWED players are NOT ALLOWED players for the NL League. FOLLOW the NL LEAGUE'S ROSTERS, it does not matter who is ALLOWED in the AL.
Some examples:
--So, David Cone's 6.84m card is ALLOWED for the Royals in the AL League. He played for the Mets, but his 6.84m card is NOT an ALLOWED player for the Mets in the NL League. He could be the Mets High Dollar Option, but he cannot be an ALLOWED player.
--Gary Sheffield' 7.57m card is ALLOWED by the Marlins in the NL League. He played for the Yankees, Brewers, and Tigers, but his 7.57m card is NOT an ALLOWED player for the Yankees, Tigers, or Brewers in the AL League. He could be a High Dollar Option for the Yankees, Tigers, or Brewers, but he cannot be an ALLOWED player.
--Miguel Cabrera's 6.67m card is an ALLOWED player in Both Leagues because he is ALLOWED by the Marlins in the NL and the Tigers in the AL.
--Gary Sheffield is ALLOWED by the Marlins in the NL League, and also played for the Padres, Dodgers, Braves, and Mets. Since he is ALLOWED in the NL League, he could be an ALLOWED player for the Dodgers, Padres, Braves, or Mets, provided the Marlins are either rotated out, or the Marlins manager didn't Autodraft him.

I don't believe this will be too difficult, this is how I followed the rosters in setting up my teams. Just remember that For this NL League's purposes, the only Roster that matters is the NL League's Roster. I had the Dodgers, meaning I could have Don Sutton's cheaper cards, but his 7.48 card was not an ALLOWED option for my Dodgers, despite him being an ALLOWED player for the Brewers in the AL. He could be my High Dollar Option for the Dodgers.

Sorry for any possible confusion. Remember, For this NL League's purposes, the only Rosters that matter are the NL League's Rosters.

If you need to, pull your team out to make any adjustments.


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSun Aug 25, 2019 12:16 am

sounds good. no effect on my team. just excited to get going. when is carr20 returning?


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSun Aug 25, 2019 10:47 am

Based on my understanding, he should be back today or tomorrow.


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostSun Aug 25, 2019 4:22 pm

carr20 is in!!! now just need visick to re-load his team and cf17 to put the Rockies together :)


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Re: ANDY'S 6.5m NL Expansion League

PostMon Aug 26, 2019 8:33 am

Just waiting on centerfielder

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