Here are all the ratings. I took them a couple of days ago.
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Team... O... P... F.. P+F. Ovrl Div
Jeep... 7699 4476 394 4870 2829 W
KLX.... 7775 4853 307 5160 2615 C
SemperG 7919 5006 310 5316 2603 W
Millerm 8022 4938 706 5644 2377 C
Dale... 7640 4611 652 5263 2376 E
JoeTJet 7709 4873 493 5366 2343 C
Stoney. 7448 4650 540 5190 2258 W
BigAlrc 7244 4912 111 5023 2221 E
Doug... 8021 5211 600 5810 2211 C
Spider. 7505 4971 349 5320 2185 E
Falcon. 7934 5209 576 5785 2148 E
Smokey. 7780 5093 619 5712 2068 W
The West is the best division, the East is the worst. Central as the best O and the worst pitching.
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Divi Offn Ptch Fld P+F Overall
East 7581 4926 422 5348 2233
Cent 7882 4969 526 5495 2386
West 7711 4806 466 5272 2439
Overall there are some big differences. JTJ is below (big surprise) while Big A and Doug are very high. Everyone else is close-ish. Falcon and Smoke could be a little high.
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Team Ov Ovrl Rtg Rec Dif
Jeep... 2829 1 3 -2 W
KLX.... 2615 4 5 -1 C
SemperG 2603 4 5 -1 W
Millerm 2377 6 7 -1 C
Dale... 2376 6 7 -1 E
JoeTJet 2343 6 9 -3 C
Stoney. 2258 7 7 0 W
BigAlrc 2221 7 3 4 E
Doug... 2211 7 2 5 C
Spider. 2185 8 7 1 E
Falcon. 2148 8 6 2 E
Smokey. 2068 9 7 2 W
Offense, Falcon is very below, Spider low as is KLX. Big A is high.
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Team Of O Rtg Run Dif
Millerm 8022 2 3 -1 C
Doug... 8021 2 3 -1 C
Falcon. 7934 3 7 -4 E
SemperG 7919 3 3 0 W
Smokey. 7780 5 3 2 W
KLX.... 7775 5 8 -3 C
JoeTJet 7709 6 7 -1 C
Jeep... 7699 6 6 0 W
Dale... 7640 7 8 -1 E
Spider. 7505 9 12 -3 E
Stoney. 7448 10 11 -1 W
BigAlrc 7244 12 8 4 E
Pitching and D
Milleram is low, Falcon and doug are waaay higher than the ratings would expect.
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Team PF P+F Rtg Run Dif
Jeep... 4870 1 3 -2 W
BigAlrc 5023 3 2 1 E
KLX.... 5160 4 4 0 C
Stoney. 5190 4 4 0 W
Dale... 5263 5 6 -1 E
SemperG 5316 5 7 -2 W
Spider. 5320 5 3 2 E
JoeTJet 5366 6 6 0 C
Millerm 5644 9 12 -3 C
Smokey. 5712 10 8 2 W
Falcon. 5785 11 6 5 E
Doug... 5810 11 4 7 C
Interesting to note that JTJ is low in the ratings, but not in O or D. That would point to luck factors. Falcon's low runs are balanced by his better than expected pitching leaving him about right.
Obviously big A's Offensive and Doug's Defensive surprises are what is off with their ratings.
Jeep's rating is so high because of his anomalous use of his pitching. He is abusing his best pitching. He has four pitchers on his staff who have COMBINED FOR 9.2 ip!!!!
If will be interesting to see if Hal punishes him for this down the stretch. If not, he may be on to something good.
I will have the fielding comparisons up later (i'm working on the luck factors soon) but for now, here's the high to to low.
Big A is at the top as usual. Miller is the wrorse, but Dale isn't too far behind (ahead?)
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Fieldng FRt
BigAlrc 111
KLX.... 307
SemperG 310
Spider. 349
Jeep... 394
JoeTJet 493
Stoney. 540
Falcon. 576
Doug... 600
Smokey. 619
Dale... 652
Millerm 706