NLD 52 - See See CC League

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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostThu Oct 17, 2019 3:59 pm

Well, I have to decide whether I need to make big changes or wait it out. Clearly, Holder isn't this bad (< 300 BA v LHB) and neither is Bassitt. Those two are the biggest problem with the pitching.

On the hitting side, my erstwhile 4/5 hitters, Blackmon and Chapman have been bad, especially Chapman who can't get over the Mendoza line. Haniger and Betts have been good, but there isn't much else going well here, most aren't sucking or succeeding.

We're below average in runs scored and average in runs allowed. Solidly a .500 club by the numbers. Question is can I fix this or will it just get worse?

Of course, being 6-15 in one run games and an amazing 4-10 in extras makes it *extra* frustrating. We get a BS every night it seems, even if we win two games.

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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostFri Oct 18, 2019 10:09 am

I was thinking that I may be lucky to only be five games under .500, since Trout has already accumulated 27 injury-days. But, checking my record, I'm 10-9 when he's out (still 8 to go with him on the bench). Jeffress has been a big disappointment - nine blown saves. The Gap has 18 blown saves to go with 18 saves. Otherwise my pitching / fielding has been better than I expected.


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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostMon Oct 21, 2019 1:02 am

Well, we made some moves, but we still stink. Looks like it's going to be a lost season. :( :cry:


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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostTue Oct 22, 2019 12:27 am

Wow, you know you're going bad when Gomber outpitches Bassitt throwing 5.2 shutout innings with only 5 runners. True we were missing Williamson, but.... Oh, and did I mention that pitchers with more than $1 mil in salary only pitched a total of 1 inning against us? Wow, we must be the worst team in the history of SOM. This is just pathetic. Three hit by a parade of bozos. Ugh.

I don't know why I ever make moves, the guys I pick up always suck. I guess Descalso has been *OK*, but Hosmer (.115 ba) and Moronta (1.50 whip)? Really?

Oh, wait, just noticed that Iannetta is hitting .304! Atta boy Chris!


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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostTue Oct 22, 2019 6:52 am

An 18inning game... This will probably kill my pitching staff and my whole season too. :o


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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostTue Oct 22, 2019 9:09 am

You haven't had a CG all season so I doubt one game will mess you up. :P


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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostTue Oct 22, 2019 12:29 pm

joethejet wrote:Wow, you know you're going bad when Gomber outpitches Bassitt throwing 5.2 shutout innings with only 5 runners. True we were missing Williamson, but.... Oh, and did I mention that pitchers with more than $1 mil in salary only pitched a total of 1 inning against us? Wow, we must be the worst team in the history of SOM. This is just pathetic. Three hit by a parade of bozos. Ugh.

It was only Gomber's 2nd start of the season. I just threw him in there because I like his name. Reminds me of Gumby. The only better name in the set is Bummer.

As a side note, Roenis Elias saved all 3 games last night. In my Pitcher Prefs I have him listed as my #2 guy to come in when it's tied, and my #2 middle man. That's it. I have Vazquez set as my only Closer but he's only had 4 save chances all year. Last night he came in twice and retired one batter each time. Oh, and Elias has no Closer rating.
Clearly HAL and I don't understand each other.
joethejet wrote:I don't know why I ever make moves, the guys I pick up always suck.

My strategy for this season has been to draft a team and make no moves. It can't be any worse than the rest of my pathetic 2018 teams.


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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostWed Oct 23, 2019 4:02 pm

Well, if Gomber is Gumby I guess that means my offense is Pokey. :(

Scored 15 runs in three games tonight, only allowed 8. Lost 2 as our win was a 14-1 affair. :(


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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostWed Oct 23, 2019 4:26 pm


Here are all the ratings. I took them a couple of days ago.

Code: Select all
Team...   O...   P...   F..   P+F.   Ovrl   Div
Jeep...   7699   4476   394   4870   2829   W
KLX....   7775   4853   307   5160   2615   C
SemperG   7919   5006   310   5316   2603   W
Millerm   8022   4938   706   5644   2377   C
Dale...   7640   4611   652   5263   2376   E
JoeTJet   7709   4873   493   5366   2343   C
Stoney.   7448   4650   540   5190   2258   W
BigAlrc   7244   4912   111   5023   2221   E
Doug...   8021   5211   600   5810   2211   C
Spider.   7505   4971   349   5320   2185   E
Falcon.   7934   5209   576   5785   2148   E
Smokey.   7780   5093   619   5712   2068   W

The West is the best division, the East is the worst. Central as the best O and the worst pitching.

Code: Select all
Divi   Offn   Ptch   Fld   P+F   Overall
East   7581   4926   422   5348   2233
Cent   7882   4969   526   5495   2386
West   7711   4806   466   5272   2439

Overall there are some big differences. JTJ is below (big surprise) while Big A and Doug are very high. Everyone else is close-ish. Falcon and Smoke could be a little high.

Code: Select all
Team Ov   Ovrl   Rtg   Rec   Dif   
Jeep...   2829   1   3   -2   W
KLX....   2615   4   5   -1   C
SemperG   2603   4   5   -1   W
Millerm   2377   6   7   -1   C
Dale...   2376   6   7   -1   E
JoeTJet   2343   6   9   -3   C
Stoney.   2258   7   7   0   W
BigAlrc   2221   7   3   4   E
Doug...   2211   7   2   5   C
Spider.   2185   8   7   1   E
Falcon.   2148   8   6   2   E
Smokey.   2068   9   7   2   W

Offense, Falcon is very below, Spider low as is KLX. Big A is high.

Code: Select all
Team Of   O   Rtg   Run   Dif   
Millerm   8022   2   3   -1   C
Doug...   8021   2   3   -1   C
Falcon.   7934   3   7   -4   E
SemperG   7919   3   3   0   W
Smokey.   7780   5   3   2   W
KLX....   7775   5   8   -3   C
JoeTJet   7709   6   7   -1   C
Jeep...   7699   6   6   0   W
Dale...   7640   7   8   -1   E
Spider.   7505   9   12   -3   E
Stoney.   7448   10   11   -1   W
BigAlrc   7244   12   8   4   E

Pitching and D

Milleram is low, Falcon and doug are waaay higher than the ratings would expect.

Code: Select all
Team PF   P+F   Rtg   Run   Dif   
Jeep...   4870   1   3   -2   W
BigAlrc   5023   3   2   1   E
KLX....   5160   4   4   0   C
Stoney.   5190   4   4   0   W
Dale...   5263   5   6   -1   E
SemperG   5316   5   7   -2   W
Spider.   5320   5   3   2   E
JoeTJet   5366   6   6   0   C
Millerm   5644   9   12   -3   C
Smokey.   5712   10   8   2   W
Falcon.   5785   11   6   5   E
Doug...   5810   11   4   7   C

Interesting to note that JTJ is low in the ratings, but not in O or D. That would point to luck factors. Falcon's low runs are balanced by his better than expected pitching leaving him about right.

Obviously big A's Offensive and Doug's Defensive surprises are what is off with their ratings.

Jeep's rating is so high because of his anomalous use of his pitching. He is abusing his best pitching. He has four pitchers on his staff who have COMBINED FOR 9.2 ip!!!! :shock:

If will be interesting to see if Hal punishes him for this down the stretch. If not, he may be on to something good.

I will have the fielding comparisons up later (i'm working on the luck factors soon) but for now, here's the high to to low.

Big A is at the top as usual. Miller is the wrorse, but Dale isn't too far behind (ahead?)

Code: Select all
Fieldng   FRt
BigAlrc   111
KLX....   307
SemperG   310
Spider.   349
Jeep...   394
JoeTJet   493
Stoney.   540
Falcon.   576
Doug...   600
Smokey.   619
Dale...   652
Millerm   706


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Re: NLD 52 - See See CC League

PostWed Oct 23, 2019 7:03 pm

joethejet wrote:Ratings

Here are all the ratings. I took them a couple of days ago.

Code: Select all
Team...   O...   P...   F..   P+F.   Ovrl   Div
Jeep...   7699   4476   394   4870   2829   W
KLX....   7775   4853   307   5160   2615   C
SemperG   7919   5006   310   5316   2603   W
Millerm   8022   4938   706   5644   2377   C
Dale...   7640   4611   652   5263   2376   E
JoeTJet   7709   4873   493   5366   2343   C
Stoney.   7448   4650   540   5190   2258   W
BigAlrc   7244   4912   111   5023   2221   E
Doug...   8021   5211   600   5810   2211   C
Spider.   7505   4971   349   5320   2185   E
Falcon.   7934   5209   576   5785   2148   E
Smokey.   7780   5093   619   5712   2068   W

The West is the best division, the East is the worst. Central as the best O and the worst pitching.

Code: Select all
Divi   Offn   Ptch   Fld   P+F   Overall
East   7581   4926   422   5348   2233
Cent   7882   4969   526   5495   2386
West   7711   4806   466   5272   2439

Overall there are some big differences. JTJ is below (big surprise) while Big A and Doug are very high. Everyone else is close-ish. Falcon and Smoke could be a little high.

Code: Select all
Team Ov   Ovrl   Rtg   Rec   Dif   
Jeep...   2829   1   3   -2   W
KLX....   2615   4   5   -1   C
SemperG   2603   4   5   -1   W
Millerm   2377   6   7   -1   C
Dale...   2376   6   7   -1   E
JoeTJet   2343   6   9   -3   C
Stoney.   2258   7   7   0   W
BigAlrc   2221   7   3   4   E
Doug...   2211   7   2   5   C
Spider.   2185   8   7   1   E
Falcon.   2148   8   6   2   E
Smokey.   2068   9   7   2   W

Offense, Falcon is very below, Spider low as is KLX. Big A is high.

Code: Select all
Team Of   O   Rtg   Run   Dif   
Millerm   8022   2   3   -1   C
Doug...   8021   2   3   -1   C
Falcon.   7934   3   7   -4   E
SemperG   7919   3   3   0   W
Smokey.   7780   5   3   2   W
KLX....   7775   5   8   -3   C
JoeTJet   7709   6   7   -1   C
Jeep...   7699   6   6   0   W
Dale...   7640   7   8   -1   E
Spider.   7505   9   12   -3   E
Stoney.   7448   10   11   -1   W
BigAlrc   7244   12   8   4   E

Pitching and D

Milleram is low, Falcon and doug are waaay higher than the ratings would expect.

Code: Select all
Team PF   P+F   Rtg   Run   Dif   
Jeep...   4870   1   3   -2   W
BigAlrc   5023   3   2   1   E
KLX....   5160   4   4   0   C
Stoney.   5190   4   4   0   W
Dale...   5263   5   6   -1   E
SemperG   5316   5   7   -2   W
Spider.   5320   5   3   2   E
JoeTJet   5366   6   6   0   C
Millerm   5644   9   12   -3   C
Smokey.   5712   10   8   2   W
Falcon.   5785   11   6   5   E
Doug...   5810   11   4   7   C

Interesting to note that JTJ is low in the ratings, but not in O or D. That would point to luck factors. Falcon's low runs are balanced by his better than expected pitching leaving him about right.

Obviously big A's Offensive and Doug's Defensive surprises are what is off with their ratings.

Jeep's rating is so high because of his anomalous use of his pitching. He is abusing his best pitching. He has four pitchers on his staff who have COMBINED FOR 9.2 ip!!!! :shock:

If will be interesting to see if Hal punishes him for this down the stretch. If not, he may be on to something good.

I will have the fielding comparisons up later (i'm working on the luck factors soon) but for now, here's the high to to low.

Big A is at the top as usual. Miller is the wrorse, but Dale isn't too far behind (ahead?)

Code: Select all
Fieldng   FRt
BigAlrc   111
KLX....   307
SemperG   310
Spider.   349
Jeep...   394
JoeTJet   493
Stoney.   540
Falcon.   576
Doug...   600
Smokey.   619
Dale...   652
Millerm   706

Interesting thanks Joe. 11 of my 29 team errors have been committed by my 2 newest regulars Frankel and Hanson. The team roster has me micro-managing which is not something I do all that much with other teams. The 2b D so weak ive got Hanson starting against RHP with Martel used for D against RHP while starting vs LHP.

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