Almost go time! Here's how things will play out...

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

Moderators: Juiced JC, jaywalker72, Palmtana

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Juiced JC

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Almost go time! Here's how things will play out...

PostThu Jan 16, 2020 11:42 am

I know we have some first time tournament participants, so here is a run down of how things will play out over the next week or two as we get started with the 60’s round of the tournament:

1.Sometime in the next few days, I will create all 11 leagues for the 60’s. These will be private password protected leagues.

2.At 11:59 PM ET on Sunday night (January 19/20) we will close the signups and not accepts any more entries.

3.At (or shortly after) 12:00 AM ET on Sunday night (January 19/20) I will use a randomizer website to generate a random order for all tournament participants. This will be used to assign participants to the 60’s leagues, for example, numbers 1-12 will form League 1, numbers 13-24 will form League 2, and so on. I will post this random list (with a timestamp for transparency) to the discussion forum right after it runs. Within 15 minutes (say by 12:15 AM ET on Sunday night, Jan 19/20), I will re-post the random list with the participants clearly broken into leagues, with 2 closers assigned to each league. You will need this final post to know exactly which league you are in, because there could be some decisions I make based on the numbers. For example, if we are 6 participants away from a number divisible by 12, I may assign only 10 teams to League 9, League 10 and League 11 so that we are spreading the “filler” teams across multiple leagues a little.

4.By 12:30 AM ET on Sunday night (Jan 19/20), I will create a Discussion Forum thread for each of the 11 60’s Leagues, where owners can post league specific messages. I ask that each participant posts a message there to indicate that they got their assignment, got the league password, and can indicate when they will join the league. It’s important that you do this check in so that the closers and I know you are going to be joining before the deadline. Otherwise, we might start looking to replace you if we think you aren’t joining.

5.By 10:00 AM ET on Monday morning (January 20th), you will receive a private message from me on the Discussion Forum site with the password for your assigned league. Make sure you check your inbox for this! A lot of 365 players don’t regularly check the Discussion Forum, or their inbox of PMs on this site, but it is critical that you do as part of this tournament.

6.On Monday January 20th, I will start recruiting league fillers, if required.

7.From Monday January 20th to end of day Friday January 24th, all non-closers must join their assigned 60’s league. Closers must NOT join during this period. Closers have the responsibility to ensure the proper 10 non-closer teams are in before they are, and they are responsible for NOT joining before Saturday January 25th. Why? Because all leagues must fill between Saturday January 25th and Friday January 31st, so that waivers for all leagues run between Monday January 27th and Sunday February 2nd. Why is this important? Because we want opening day for all 11 leagues to be Monday February 3rd. The overall tournament standings are cleaner and more meaningful when all 11 leagues have the same number of games played.

8.On Sunday February 2nd, this process starts all over again as the opening day of the 70’s is just 2 weeks later on Monday February 17th. Just so you know, the league assignments for the 60’s have no bearing on the league assignments for the 70’s. The list is randomly generated again, so you are playing with a whole new group of people each decade, but there obviously is still the possibility one or two owners get randomly assigned to both your leagues.

If you have any questions at all, please let me know.

Juiced JC


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Re: Almost go time! Here's how things will play out...

PostFri Jan 17, 2020 4:31 pm


Outstanding summary of upcoming action. Thanks.



  • Posts: 226
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Re: Almost go time! Here's how things will play out...

PostSat Jan 18, 2020 11:42 am

Clear and thorough, thanks Juice Man!


  • Posts: 57
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  • Location: Castle Rock, CO

Re: Almost go time! Here's how things will play out...

PostSun Jan 19, 2020 1:55 pm

Well done

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