2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

Moderators: Juiced JC, jaywalker72, Palmtana

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Juiced JC

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2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostMon Jan 20, 2020 1:39 am

60's League 8 members:
140. irish iii
36. swades
68. RB44
71. Tigerpiper
133. Alexander Supertramp (Courtneylant)
110. Jayson.lastarza@gmail.com
100. taxchiefs
107. fakesportsfan
116. jomboy78 (closer)
131. chris_s (chris.sied@yahoo.com)
14. killermarc (closer)
31. fatdaddy054

League website: https://365.strat-o-matic.com/league/442810
League password will be sent via Private Message (click on “new messages” in the top menu of this page to look for message)

All regular league members, please join anytime between now and end of day Friday January 24th.

Closers (jomboy78 and killermarc), please make sure you do NOT join before Saturday January 25th.


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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostMon Jan 20, 2020 11:39 am

60's League 8 members:
140. irish iii
36. swades
68. RB44
71. Tigerpiper
133. Alexander Supertramp (Courtneylant)
110. Jayson.lastarza@gmail.com
100. taxchiefs
107. fakesportsfan
116. jomboy78 (closer)
131. chris_s (chris.sied@yahoo.com) - in
14. killermarc (closer)
31. fatdaddy054


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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostMon Jan 20, 2020 9:49 pm

60's League 8 members:
140. irish iii
36. swades
68. RB44 - in
71. Tigerpiper
133. Alexander Supertramp (Courtneylant) - in
110. Jayson.lastarza@gmail.com
100. taxchiefs - in
107. fakesportsfan - in
116. jomboy78 (closer)
131. chris_s (chris.sied@yahoo.com) - in
14. killermarc (closer)
31. fatdaddy054


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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostTue Jan 21, 2020 10:52 am

killermarc wrote:60's League 8 members:
140. irish iii
36. swades
68. RB44 - in
71. Tigerpiper- in
133. Alexander Supertramp (Courtneylant) - in
110. Jayson.lastarza@gmail.com
100. taxchiefs - in
107. fakesportsfan - in
116. jomboy78 (closer)
131. chris_s (chris.sied@yahoo.com) - in
14. killermarc (closer)
31. fatdaddy054

I hope we are playing for money because I am chum. How does it work? Do we get a random card from one year of our selected players? I suppose that's what "mystery" means. Thanks.


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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostTue Jan 21, 2020 12:42 pm

Tiger, go and look at the first post in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s section of the Message Board. It's entitled "Help with reading the cards for Mystery Tournament Managers." It goes on for 5 pages but the very first post tells you 90% of what you need to know. Also, you can ask experienced managers in your league. I see Jomboy in your league and I seem to recall he was in the World Series of the finals one year. So, he can (I hope) answer questions if you have them during the season. Basically, the "mystery" part is using game results to try to figure out which of the 5 years for each player; and if a player is on a bad year, you should cut that player and try your luck with a free agent.


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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostTue Jan 21, 2020 3:12 pm



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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostWed Jan 22, 2020 4:57 pm

60's League 8 members:
140. irish iii
36. swades
68. RB44 - in
71. Tigerpiper - in
133. Alexander Supertramp (Courtneylant) - in
110. Jayson.lastarza@gmail.com - in
100. taxchiefs - in
107. fakesportsfan - in
116. jomboy78 (closer)
131. chris_s (chris.sied@yahoo.com) - in
14. killermarc (closer)
31. fatdaddy054


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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostThu Jan 23, 2020 6:46 am

franky35 wrote:Tiger, go and look at the first post in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s section of the Message Board. It's entitled "Help with reading the cards for Mystery Tournament Managers." It goes on for 5 pages but the very first post tells you 90% of what you need to know. Also, you can ask experienced managers in your league. I see Jomboy in your league and I seem to recall he was in the World Series of the finals one year. So, he can (I hope) answer questions if you have them during the season. Basically, the "mystery" part is using game results to try to figure out which of the 5 years for each player; and if a player is on a bad year, you should cut that player and try your luck with a free agent.

I only made finals because I upset franky in semifinals. Like franky said good stuff in thread he talking about. Ive seen "hal" (game engine) do some crazy stuff that even I don't have answers for. But that is usually extraordinary scenerios. My favorite was in 90s real early in season when Hal pinch hit for big Mac in extra innings with Joe nunnally. Couldn't fathom any way I had good year out of Mac with that move so I cut him. Turned out Mac had his 65 hr yr. Sometimes I guess there are extraodinary scenerios that lead Hal to that decison like the pitcher being 9r. Anyway shoot me a message during season and I'll help out best I can.


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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostFri Jan 24, 2020 9:30 am

60's League 8 members:
140. irish iii
36. swades - in
68. RB44 - in
71. Tigerpiper - in
133. Alexander Supertramp (Courtneylant) - in
110. Jayson.lastarza@gmail.com - in
100. taxchiefs - in
107. fakesportsfan - in
116. jomboy78 (closer)
131. chris_s (chris.sied@yahoo.com) - in
14. killermarc (closer)
31. fatdaddy054 - in

Looks like we are only waiting for irish iii and then our closers can get in tomorrow. anybody know him or in a league with him to drop a note?


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Re: 2020 Mystery Tournament - 60's League #8

PostFri Jan 24, 2020 1:55 pm

I didn't see Irish iii in a league since a while, the last time i was in his league was in ATG IV .. hope to see him soon


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