Tue Feb 04, 2020 12:06 pm
I will say I have had less heartburn about relief pitching decisions since I started reducing the number of static business rules I give to HAL.
I have experimented with nearly identical players on different teams and found much better outcomes by leaving most settings unset.
In fact, in a recent case, HAL removed Dan Wheeler after facing Altuve, Delahanty, and Stenzel across two innings, and while still at F9, HAL then inserted Grant Jackson (home park Forbes09) to face Mark McGwire (10.82). On the whole as a best scenario in a close game for the combined pitcher-hitter combos, it was probably the right move. But the key was HAL had the freedom to do his matchup calculations without caveats. I actually get very favorable results by tweaking less.
What I do tweak:
*Avoids (but only in very extreme cases like Mark Clear, Joe Sambito etc)
*Quick/slow hook
*Set MopUp player
At least for my mini experiments, the HAL black box of business rules in the online game is different than the CD ROM I believe, and I have verifiably better RP results in my small sample by setting less settings.
In your case, without knowing all the settings and all the fatigue states of all pitchers, and the score, and the state of the bench if non DH, it is impossible to know with certainty what HAL was thinking...but I guarantee he was thinking something, and you may have planted a thought in his head so to speak, by giving him a decision tree of bad choices for the situation. It sucks, because we are used to making the face to face decisions, but it is what it is--unknowable.
Note--this would not work well for extreme long inning reliever stuff--this is strictly conventional reliever corps.
Last edited by
FrankieT on Tue Feb 04, 2020 4:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.