2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 13, 2020 8:37 am

I am hoping that Willie Wells slides to me at pick 9.... That's the great thing about Big Star SP. There are countless replacements. As opposed to someone that only plays with a tiny player pool (Riggio). How bad do you needy Carty, Wells, Henderson, D.Johnson, J.Howell, and your biggest cog W.Wells?


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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 13, 2020 8:57 am

We’ll see but I dont think Wells is making it past 7th.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 13, 2020 9:16 am

Chrissie, you forgot Hunter and Aaron.

I really hope Wells goes in the first. If not I promise I won't draft him...at all.


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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 13, 2020 9:36 am

W.Wells is a stud if someone is going big bopper or righty park. Hunter is a super stud too, too bad he's priced so low. I don't see Kahn drafting anyone except Pedro, Pedro, Pedro, which would really screw Petro over, as I am guessing he wants Pedro/Kershaw 12/13 and then that beaut 5L Harvey on the way back.

The Last Druid

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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 13, 2020 9:45 am

No way Pedro makes it to 12th pick. Kershaw was my nomination but I don't want to waste a top pick on a lefty starter, until I know how the league is shaking out. Otherwise, it is easy to get burned by the Shano Collins' of the set. I do like five man rotations but might want to grab me a couple of 10M S*9's. Not that I plan to use the 4 Aces. It is an utterly boring, mindless strategy to implement. But two S*9 starters as the #1 and #3 starters might indeed work well.

Or, in anticipation of a lot of guys using the 4 Aces strategy this year, maybe I'll borrow Jet40's idea from last year and take Fenway '67. That is probably the best deterrent strategy against the 4 Aces -early showers on the road.


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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 13, 2020 9:54 am

I think you have a legit shot at getting Pedro, Kershaw, and Harvey first three picks, if you even wanted them. Obviously I don't want that to happen, which is why I am calling it out like so.


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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 13, 2020 10:30 am

...speaking of 4 Aces, I've got a team where HAL sent in Tim Scott to relieve for Russ Ford. Ford's endurance had dropped to F4 and Scott was in the Mopup role.

Question: which pitching card is better? Russ Ford at F4 endurance or Tim Scott at F9 endurance?

Settings are as follows:
Relief Usage = Conservative
Starters are set to: Do Not Relieve before F6 + Slow Hook


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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostThu Feb 13, 2020 10:34 am

That is the big problem of 4 Aces. At F0 even Maddux card is significantly worse than T.Scott or other 1m RP. I can't quite figure out where the crossover occurs. It could be as high as at F4.

mighty moose

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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 14, 2020 1:39 am

OK, as you can see, the time and day of the draft has changed. I have gotten ahold of labrat and he feels he can start on Saturday. TO BE SAFE, lets go a day later on SUNDAY.

I have exited the league so that labrat and Druid can put their teams in now. We will continue with the NO CLOCK as quite a few of you suggested and let's just all try to be aware of this draft and keep everyone up to speed on when you are going to be away. That includes notifying me too.

I will try to get SOM to open up the league a few hours early instead of 30 minutes early.

That's it, I will send out an e-mail to the whole group too.


Also, be sure you use the option to have emails sent to you when you are ON DECK and UP - it makes monitoring the draft so much easier. There are lots of other in draft settings that will speed things up.

I think we will need to get all teams in soon so that we can get SOM to change the draft order.

CRISTANO, DO NOT MAKE ANY LEAGUE SETTINGS CHANGES unless it's because no one at SOM is making the draft order changes due (being that they aren't watching their email.) If that happens, push the draft BACK to Tuesday.


The Last Druid

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Re: 2019 Finals Vote for CAP/DH/Draft Order

PostFri Feb 14, 2020 8:00 am


IF Lab said he could start Saturday and there is no clock, let the thing start tomorrow at noon, not wait until Sunday. Please and thank you.

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