Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:22 pm
I'm from Prince Edward Island, Canada's smallest province, and they were really early and aggressive in the response to the pandemic here. So far we've only had 22 confirmed cases, all travel related, and no deaths but we are being warned that it is likely to get worse eventually and to stay vigilant in our efforts at social distancing etc. The situation is much worse in our more populous provinces pretty much mirroring what you are experiencing in much of the U.S. Hope everyone is doing well and having Strat is a nice distraction.
I decided to check my players years of service after Paul Long pointed out there were some with incorrect numbers in the available players list and did find one error. Gio Urshela is listed at 1 year on my lineup page but it should be 3 years. I think we should all double check our players before we go into the contract phase of this.