Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:31 am
Glad cubit is ok , I am a NYer too and am locked down 5 weeks . I closed the business earlier than most .A few anecdotal
observations from a rather personally interesting week.
My daughter her two young children and her husband Carlos live in Philly. On Monday Carlos called his doctor and asked to be tested because he had a low grade fever for a few days. Two hours later, in a city that is having corona problems , he was tested . The next day he was told he was positive for the virus . He was told to isolate himself at home .
Tuesday night he felt he was having trouble breathing . Carlos was an almost world class cyclist twenty years ago and still can knock off fifty miles during lunch. He drove to Pennsylvania Hospital ,founded by Ben Franklin in his spare time, and was seen immediately. He received multiple tests ,including the all important chest x-ray and went to sit in the ER. He sat there ALONE. Carlos said that the best hospital in Philly, and they have many great hospitals in Philly , was almost empty. Three hours later he was told his chest film was OK, no damage ,his blood oxygen level was fantastic ,and it was the Drs opinion he was at the tail end of the infection .They believe the breathing problem was basically a panic attack. He was sent home . He is feeling great .My daughter and grandkids are fine ,she thinks they may have had it already .
Meanwhile yesterday I applied for a PPP loan took fifteen minutes. Two hours later an e-mail informed me that my app had been approved and the check was basically in the mail . These are bad times , in NYC everyone knows someone who has died, but some things are running better than I would have thought from watching the TV and reading the news. Stay safe everyone