MLB May?

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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 1:18 pm

Mr Brown,

I clearly haven't stated my case well. I have never intended that it is all about the money. It is all about the people. My buddy has worked his whole life for what he has and could lose it over this. I am very thankful my wife and I are still working. My worry is for all those that have lost their job and can not provide for their families. I was there in 2009. I didn't like it and thought I would never work again. That is why I got a CDL.

Last edited by chasenally on Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 1:18 pm

chasenally wrote:, My reason for that is, why have the workers at the grocery stores not been effected at a high rate? Every household sends at least one person to the store once a week. You would think that those grocery stores would be ground zero by now. Food for thought so to speak or a pun. Take your pick. ;)

This part of your argument struck me as a bit odd, Grocery stores have not become ground zero, because of the steps we have taken, I don't know about where you live but where I am, the grocery store isn't what it was a month ago. Workers are all wearing masks and gloves, protective barriers have been put up between the clerks and customers. Social distance markers on the floors to keep people separated, workers meticulously wiping the checkouts between customers, workers wiping carts with disinfectant, entry and exit in one direction and workers counting people in the store to maintain 20% capacity.

People need to realize this is a marathon not a sprint. It's not like a tornado or earthquake and once it's the event happens we rebuild and get going again. Until there is mass testing and contact tracing in place, no one should feel we have this beaten.

To keep it on topic, that's what it will take to get sports back up and running. Hell even with no crowds, think about all that would have to go into just holding a single baseball game and be able to air it on TV ( Cause let's be real, the reason the sports leagues want to get back ASAP is television revenue) You have two teams of 25 players each, the coaches, manager, trainers, equipment manager, grounds crew for the facility, the umpires, cleaners for the clubhouse facilities. I'd say rough estimate on that alone about 100-150- people. I haven't even talked about the television side of it yet which could easily add another 25-70 people to the mix. All those people would need to be tested and cleared before putting them back in to some type of quarantined/controlled environment, which also would require feeding them and giving them living quarters so they were assured of not catching the virus and bringing back. That adds another layer of staff to the equation. So without batting an eye, just for two teams to play a small series, you are looking at what, well over 200 people volunteering to stay isolated and just participate in baseball. Multiply that by a factor of 16 and that's what the numbers look like for MLB to return.

Then of course you have the question of is it fair for the MLB to get all these people tested and made sure they are safe, when there are still people in NYC and Louisiana, hell all over the country, still sheltering at home.

There is no simple solution. You can't shout down a virus. The only thing that works is time, trust in the science and doing everything possible to keep it from spreading.

Oh and Mike, while I don't agree with your politics, I'd like to say thank you for what you do for a living. Truckers are about the most essential employees this country has right now. I'm appalled to have read some of the stories about what some of you have had to go through with this situation. Many thanks, words which are really not enough to show the gratitude I have.
Last edited by Ninersphan on Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 1:23 pm

I watched soccer players play a video game yesterday. I also watched Horse Racing and Gamers play a game I have never heard of.
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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 1:28 pm

chasenally wrote:I watched soccer players play a video game yesterday. I also watched Horse Racing and Gamers play a game I have never heard of.


Yeah, the NFL Draft is going to do insane ratings numbers


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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 6:41 pm

I really don't get these states opening things back up, like Move theaters and bowling alleys in Georgia. I mean I'm sorry, your number of cases are still rising in your state and you're opening things up??

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it I guess: ... iladelphia

It makes me think of the meme I saw. Imagine skydiving and you're falling, you open your parachute right? It slows you down and you feel safe. Do you take the parachute off before you land while you're still hundreds if not thousand of feet off the ground?


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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 6:43 pm

Thanks for that link. I was just talking to someone about this. And the analogy made coffee come out my nose :lol:


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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 8:40 pm

geekor wrote:I really don't get these states opening things back up, like Move theaters and bowling alleys in Georgia. I mean I'm sorry, your number of cases are still rising in your state and you're opening things up??

Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it I guess: ... iladelphia

It makes me think of the meme I saw. Imagine skydiving and you're falling, you open your parachute right? It slows you down and you feel safe. Do you take the parachute off before you land while you're still hundreds if not thousand of feet off the ground?

Darwinism. If people are foolish enough to go to bowling alley's, beaches etc. they deserve what will happen. Unfortunately what they don't get, is it will tax the health care system which screws it for the rest of us.

I understand people wanting to get back to work, to get back to normal, but we aren't out of the woods yet, and if we relax to early all it's going to do is set us back in the long run. But hey logic and experts be damned. :roll:


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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 10:50 pm

And you could say also that staying home in close proximity of each other and only going out for supplies all the while exposing yourself to it only to bring it home is a bad idea/ I am out all the time and everyone is staying as far apart from each other as they can. Got propane yesterday and me and the kid filling up my tank were never within 20 feet of each other. Both sides have an argument and could be debated until the cows come home. Problem is that if we continue to hunker down the cows wont have a home to come home to.

This is like Global Climate Warming Change. If you believe it then you win. You get to move the goal posts every decade. I dont and yes I have followed the science. It is not man made in my opinion. From my side of the debate I can only tell you I was correct after I am dead for 200 years. I cant win that debate.
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Re: MLB May?

PostMon Apr 20, 2020 11:29 pm

chasenally wrote:And you could say also that staying home in close proximity of each other and only going out for supplies all the while exposing yourself to it only to bring it home is a bad idea/ I am out all the time and everyone is staying as far apart from each other as they can. Got propane yesterday and me and the kid filling up my tank were never within 20 feet of each other. Both sides have an argument and could be debated until the cows come home. Problem is that if we continue to hunker down the cows wont have a home to come home to.

This is like Global Climate Warming Change. If you believe it then you win. You get to move the goal posts every decade. I dont and yes I have followed the science. It is not man made in my opinion. From my side of the debate I can only tell you I was correct after I am dead for 200 years. I cant win that debate.

And there's the rub, if you start letting people start getting back together the WON"T stay far enough apart often enough, because in my experience people, especially in this country are lazy/careless as FUQ. They will start to let their guard down because if you give an inch they will take a mile. Call me a cynic but if I were a betting man I know which way I'd bet. ;)


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Re: MLB May?

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 12:44 am

To my point about Grocery Stores that you brought up and I didn't address. They are Ground Zero and I have been in them many times. Just about 2 weeks ago I would guess around 30% of people were wearing a mask. Last week around 80% with all workers at 100%. We are 2 and a half months into this ( believe much longer) and still they haven't been hit with this.

I am just going by the numbers and these numbers just dont add up. Of all the death in New York 1.9% of all the dead is listed as Covid19 only. People are dying yes it is just listed as Covid19. Heart Failure, Cancer, Diabetes and every other cause of death is way down all over the Country. I cant explain that or I just did.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!

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