MLB May?

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Re: MLB May?

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 12:34 pm

To get back on topic...

Sirrus radio reporting MLB considering a three location plan with teams in Florida, Arizona and Texas to play in a "quarantine type setting" No fans. if anyone gets Corona, the whole thing shuts down for three weeks. No word on which teams would be where, or when it might start.


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Re: MLB May?

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 12:39 pm

Look, I don't care what you believe, but at least back it up with facts. Spouting nonsense and misinformation (so much of that has spread, watch some of those idiots and what they spout at those "rally's") doesn't help anyone.

There was a huge report of grocery store and fast food workers getting it last week. Police (I have 3 different friends in 2 states that work for some form of law enforcement) have lost between 19% to 35% to Covid quarantines. one friend, who has been a detective for 5 years, has to walk the beat again as they are too many sick. Side note, now's a great time to speed, etc as they aren't pulling people over really, lol.

To get back to actual facts. I just looked at them for the US this morning, 43026 deaths / 800932 infected = 5.37%, not sure where your 1.9% comes from. Globally it's at 6.87%.

Again, I googled and saw nothing of heart attack stats anywhere, so not sure where you are getting your info from.

Don't be a Limbaugh, Facebook, gossiper who spreads fake info. There is enough of that around. Have a discussion, but use actual facts please.


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Re: MLB May?

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 1:39 pm

Serology (antibody) surveying testing in Santa Clara and LA County indicates far more people have been infected with virus than positive case counts: an estimated 50 to 85 times than recorded cases in Santa Clara and 28 to 55 times in County of Los Angeles. There are questions about the accuracy of the tests used and I know the Santa Clara testing was criticized for its sample size and methodology. It will be interesting to see if these results get confirmed elsewhere. ... -show/amp/ ... index.html


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Re: MLB May?

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 2:08 pm

freeman wrote:Serology (antibody) surveying testing in Santa Clara and LA County indicates far more people have been infected with virus than positive case counts: an estimated 50 to 85 times than recorded cases in Santa Clara and 28 to 55 times in County of Los Angeles. There are questions about the accuracy of the tests used and I know the Santa Clara testing was criticized for its sample size and methodology. It will be interesting to see if these results get confirmed elsewhere. ... -show/amp/ ... index.html

A lot of people never get tested and told to self quarantine at home. A lot of bad testing (i.e. not taking it from nasal cavity and doing mouth swab instead). A lot of people have 0 to mild symptoms and have it but will never be tested. Couple that with any death by sickness not being tested, but counted as Covid during this time, balloons the numbers.

I'm sure the reported cases are off, but we will never know the true number. Best case may be to look at Germany where testing was much more prevalent and widely available. They only have a 3.34% mortality rate, which might be more accurate.

Either way I agree that the true mortality rate is probably much less than the numbers show, based of those varying factors. No one will ever be able to confirm the true numbers though.


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Re: MLB May?

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 2:13 pm

Don't worry Kenneth Copeland has cured it:


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Re: MLB May?

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 3:23 pm

Regardless of the true mortality rate the contagiousness of the disease means exponential growth of cases, meaning several hundred thousand dead and a collapsed healthcare system without social distancing and lockdowns. So flattening the curve was absolutely necessary. When and how to reopen the economy is the difficult question and our strength as a country is innovation I think and you can see that already. I just saw an FDA approved home sampling kit thst can be mailed to labs. Abbott has a quick test. The more testing and better testing we can do...the quicker and better we can reopen the economy. It's such an obvious thing...yet it's not getting done.


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Re: MLB May?

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 5:12 pm ... story.html

Are they waiting at home to die after the Virus goes away.

The 1,9% a couple of weeks ago. That was the number of people in New York that had died only from the Virus. My point has always been that pre conditions are much more venerable and should take all these precautions. Yes I understand you can get this. It is hastening the Death of people that are already dying.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: MLB May?

PostThu Apr 23, 2020 12:17 am

According to one study, for every 1% hike in the unemployment rate, approximately 21 additional suicides per 100,000 people. The population of the United States is 330 million. You do the math.

Today it was reported someone died at the nursing home they were living at in RI. They were 100 years old. Cause of death....Covid19 :roll:

Is it a crisis? Of course it is, no denying it. Yes, some places should remain closed for now, such as sports arenas, movies, etc. Businesses, especially brick and mortar ones, should be able to open if safeguards are in place.

My best guess when we stop hearing about every single death?? Hmmm, November 3rd perhaps??


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Re: MLB May?

PostThu Apr 23, 2020 11:31 pm

26.5 Million people are now on the Government dole. I talked to my neighbor yesterday who works at a Restaurant. They are on employment checks making $1,100 a week and working at the restaurant on tips and not clocking in. Who gets screwed here? The owner is as he cant keep 75% of them working but he doesn't care. He just needs to keep his doors open.

I do understand where some people come from. They think everyone has good intensions. They dont and China proved that by keeping the people in Wuhan traveling in China but let them travel all over the World/ This World has had many evil people and the list is long. Many come from China, Russia, North Korea, Italy, Japan and Iran and Iraq and one really bad one from Germany. People are evil and they just dont think like you and I do. They are out there and always have been. History is important and today doesn't change that. Tomorrow wont either.
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!


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Re: MLB May?

PostThu Apr 23, 2020 11:41 pm

chasenally wrote:

Are they waiting at home to die after the Virus goes away.

The 1,9% a couple of weeks ago. That was the number of people in New York that had died only from the Virus. My point has always been that pre conditions are much more venerable and should take all these precautions. Yes I understand you can get this. It is hastening the Death of people that are already dying.

Now New York thinks it might be down around 0.5%
The msaegse is waht mttares msot!

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