Event 1 Info

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Mr Baseball World

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Event 1 Info

PostSun Apr 19, 2020 2:21 am

The first Event 1 leagues will be opened on Saturday April 25. We are running a bit behind last year as I wanted to give people a bit more time getting used to the new bullpen/roster rules.

As of now, I am going to set leagues to run with what has been the normal Monday start for leagues. I want to see how the other options work for people and if there are issues of forgetting to set lineups etc with a variety of league start dates before using them

Since there were people who expressed an interest in more caps above or below 80M, I am going to try again to go with a choice of caps. I know the last time this was tried people stuck to 80M but want to give people options. I suspect most will go 80M and expect that some options will not even fill one league (100 no dh for one) but I could be wrong.

I plan to open up leagues on Saturday for 60/80/100 with and without dh. I will consider a 120M Live Draft if enough people are interested. At some point though people may have to switch to a different cap/DH/No DH league.

Let me know if you are interested in 120M live draft either on this thread, when you sign up or through pm.

I may also consider live draft options at other caps and in later events if people express interest. The key thing is that those are going to have fill early in the process as I do not want the live drafts resulting in delays in closing out events. It is my intent this year to stick to deadlines as we did last year.
Last edited by Mr Baseball World on Tue May 12, 2020 12:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Event 1 Info

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 12:27 pm

How do I sign up?

Mr Baseball World

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Re: Event 1 Info

PostTue Apr 21, 2020 1:41 pm

I put you on the signup sheet. You are all set

Mr Baseball World

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Re: Event 1 Info

PostWed Apr 22, 2020 1:45 pm

Event 1 Leagues will open for business late Friday Night. Reminder that over the course of the tournament that you must use a different stadium for each league, semifinals and finals as well. So if you play all 5 events and get to finals you will need to use 7 different stadiums

I will set up the following leagues:

60m dh
60m no dh
80m dh
80m no dh
100m dh
100m no dh

I will also set up a 120m live draft. It will be a slow draft with one hour time limit set to start next Monday at 6pm. If it doesn’t fill by then I will push the start back a day at a time through the following Monday. If it hasn’t filled by then you will have to abandon and opt for another cap. I don’t expect it to fill but will at least make it an option.

If other caps don’t fill at some point we will have people switch to another option. Ultimately my goal will be to have to use as few fillers as possible

I know some are going to question the wisdom of giving choices but am taking the chance in hopes it might encourage more participation. The success or failure of this will dictate whether it survives to next year


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Re: Event 1 Info

PostThu Apr 23, 2020 8:45 am

So there are 6 leagues you can join. If 1 or more of them doesn't fill, what happens to the teams who sign up for that league? Have to go back and build another team for a different cap or DH rule. Might I suggest you have them all with DH to start out so all leagues have a better chance of filling without rework?


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Re: Event 1 Info

PostThu Apr 23, 2020 5:32 pm

Personally, I like the option of choosing a DH or not for the first round. It's a different twist on the tournament, which I'm willing to try.


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Re: Event 1 Info

PostFri Apr 24, 2020 9:45 pm

I personally prefer no dh leagues. that way don't just have someone who just hits for power and not worry bout defense. makes game more interesting in my opinion but I always hated the DH even in real life i call the AL the fake league lol


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Re: Event 1 Info

PostSat Apr 25, 2020 12:16 am

Where will the passwords be posted?


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Re: Event 1 Info

PostSat Apr 25, 2020 12:16 am

What are the passwords for the leagues?


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Re: Event 1 Info

PostSat Apr 25, 2020 12:29 am

go to EVENT 1 OPEN! forum

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