Looking for advice on 86 team

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Looking for advice on 86 team

PostFri May 15, 2020 3:43 pm

I'm looking for advice from some veterans on my 1986 Strat team (link below).

I am not sure if the results I am seeing are a result of bad luck or poor lineup construction. I focus on OBP and so far my team is leading the league in walks and has the 2nd fewest strikeouts, which his great. However, my batting average is horrible (.227 42 games into the season) and I am stranding a ton of baserunners.

I appreciate any insight you all can share with me.



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Re: Looking for advice on 86 team

PostFri May 15, 2020 5:52 pm

Welcome to the game Champ!

Double your chances of getting responses and put your post in the '86 forum also.



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Re: Looking for advice on 86 team

PostFri May 15, 2020 6:07 pm

You are facing 2+ times as many righties as lefties (which is normal) but your hitting stats vs righties are bad.
Are there lefty free agents that you could swap for murphy or Winfield?


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Re: Looking for advice on 86 team

PostFri May 15, 2020 8:44 pm

Thank you Palmtana! I'll try the 86 forum as well.

I'll look to see if there is someone that makes sense to pick up for Winfield or Murphy. Do you think that's the problem or is it simply a matter of bad luck through the first 42 games?


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Re: Looking for advice on 86 team

PostSat May 16, 2020 2:43 pm

I would play Diaz full time; don't platoon him with Stefero. (Exception: Against a 7R, 8R, or 9R pitcher.) Also, carrying a third catcher isn't necessary. If you have two catchers and one is injured, the other one can't be injured.

Making changes after the season starts is usually a bad idea (assuming 20% drop penalty). However, tdkearns suggestion isn't awful. Only swap out one of them if you do go that route, and only do it if you get someone you really like.

EDIT: I haven't played in a single-season league for years (I only play mystery leagues now), so I didn't realize the drop penalty is no longer 20 percent at the start of the season for such leagues. So making a necessary change or two is much more likely to make sense.

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