LHP's vs. RHH's. Who wins?

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Re: LHP's vs. RHH's. Who wins?

PostThu May 21, 2020 11:58 am

You’re right, there’s no guarantee.

What are the settings? When did he pitch last? Does he need rest? All these things come into play, so yes, at times I’ll get McGee to come in for a relief stint when I least want him in there.

Some of this is as much art as science. I used to be a strict adherence guy, but I’ve morphed into more of a tolerance guy. If you give HAL some good options and resources, he’ll often surprise you positively. That’s not to say there won’t be times when you’re completely confounded by what appear to be terrible decisions.

This is much like the stolen base guys. They want to steal a 1000 bases with a 100% perfect result. But then they absolutely lose their minds when a guy is out stealing third late in a game when they want him to hold fast. You can’t have it both ways. You will not get totally perfect outcomes at all times. It’s a case of, you want more good than bad and you’ll get it if you tolerate some less than optimal results from time to time.

Try and build a bullpen that has a little bit of everything and a lot of the times HAL makes it work fairly well.

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