Need help on Pitching

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Need help on Pitching

PostSun May 24, 2020 10:42 am

I am a little lost on setting up relief pitching and getting the players entered into the game based on their role setup.
I am playing in the 2019 season (my roster:

In the last game of the prior series the game went 14 innings and my relievers pitched:
Bass 2.1 innings
Brach 1.1 innings
Hendricks 3.0 innings

In last night's series, I have roles set up as follows:
Mop Up - Carrasco, Middle Man - Brebbia, LH Specialist - Suarez / Holland, Setup - Bass, Closer - Bass / Hendricks and Brach with No Role

So in Game 1 last night, Wheeler exists the game after 8th innings and I am up 5-2 and Brach comes in for the save in the 9th. Why would Bass or Hendricks not be brought in?

In Game 2, Montas exits the game in the 8th inning and I am up 2-1 and Brach comes in for 1 batter, Brebbia for 1 out, Suarez for 1 out, Holland for 1 batter and blows the save and Carrasco for 1 inning after falling behind. Again, why would Bass or Hendricks not be brought in?

I am really lost on why Bass and Hendricks were not brought into both games though I am wondering if I overtaxed them in the last game of the prior series that went 14 innings and this is the cause of why they were not brought in. I was hoping Brach would not come in at all by me since I did not allocate a pitching role to him, but was used in both games. Is there a way to basically limit a pitcher from not being used unless last resort? Any existing threads on the site you can point me to on pitching strategy would be great / setting up roles. I included my pitching roster in the link above, don't feel like I am getting the most out of a decent staff so any help is appreciated. Thanks.


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Re: Need help on Pitching

PostSun May 24, 2020 12:55 pm

Welcome! You've taken up this hobby at an interesting (and confusing) time. In March, they made some new rules concerning relief pitchers' fatigue and availability, and people are still trying to adjust. These new rules are not very transparent, so it's hard to know when a reliever will be unavailable for a particular game.

Having said that...
Bass was definitely tired before game 13, because he had just pitched two games in a row. That's always been a rule. Under the old rules, he would be rested for game 14, but the new rules allow for him to possibly have to miss another game.
Hendriks (under the old rules) would have been fine for game 13... but again, there's a new rule that says maybe he has to miss a game because he pitched 3 innings in the previous game.
You can set Brach on quick hook, avoid LHP, avoid using <8th, and Max IP 1-2. This will limit him somewhat.
And here is a thread on the subject. Skip over all the bickering and you might find some useful information! :lol:

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