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Moderators: Palmtana, mighty moose
Mr Baseball World
Sun May 24, 2020 11:57 am
Mon May 25, 2020 3:51 pm
Mon May 25, 2020 4:14 pm
Mon May 25, 2020 4:21 pm
Wed May 27, 2020 2:13 pm
Wed May 27, 2020 7:39 pm
unctarheel wrote:1 Mr Baseball World2 Waynick3 JOHNBRUBAKER4 MforTurtle135 moodysix - sorry, MforTurtle13, we submitted in the same few seconds6 J-Pav7 bob7118 unctarheel9davy6110
Wed May 27, 2020 7:46 pm
Mr Baseball World wrote:1 Mr Baseball World2 Waynick3 JOHNBRUBAKER4 MforTurtle135 moodysix6 J-Pav7 bob7118 unctarheel9 exwallman10 mbertolli11 twonewb12 TexasKen13 Teamnasty14 Jack37715 mpcharette16 Jeepdriver17 frankzahn18 Stoney1819 rickburr20 bbfan21 Phila0122 chris_s23 komodos06924 klx2225 Gilbo26 Randal6427 azcsuram28 LongIsland4Ever29 SteadyEddie3330 ycbill31 GoDucks32 Delbird33 Freeman34 mciccolini35 kihoover36 markyura37 ScumbyJr38 Betbooth inc39 swades40 stevep10741 WJS676842 Samh071143 uncle ny44 DHowser45 wjb2346 RangerJoe47 hendrix0848 dalekeener49 Spider 6750 Terry10151 DougT52 Jarrythewizard53: Paul Kiggins54 john56788555 FoggyOne56 Killermarc57 Treybeckiii58 cristano159 Islander2260 boyer1461 Ducyacy62 keyzick63 wallyworld64 JMrozinski65 Tigerpiper66 jmoore196667 blsmith768 NYY8260269 pacoboy70 mesquiton71 unclerowser72 Gunner544573 tomaxe74 dmanwon75 JimmyJames20976 herpad1959- Correct name77 ashleyjoe78 vjpeak79 Juiced JC80 jamespoohbear81 WMAYSFAN82 milleram83 dmatusen84 mastermosser5685 geekor86 unclerowser87 STEVENHOLMAN88 jayson.lastarza@gmail.com89 thisisray90 The Godfather91 Morpheus92 bigmahon93 JOHNKARADENES94 karphenry95 bigjimed96 RB4497 Elmo04120998 Lev.cohen99 laughren.francis100 thebossmtc101 Whiskey19102 Bobpolecat103 ITCHY104 Watershark1967105 PETERLE106 ron4yanks107 jmdziuban2108 Blurt109 Axlerod Gunderson110 areacode909111 CirrhoticLiver112 jaydog1313113 dorB114 dodgerfan always115 schitchen43116 robertcarey117 wbonn63118 chucksbigleague119 pearl1234120 kjobrien23121 fowldawg122 dawgplasma123 hadboy307124 nick_danger125 cowboy126 AZHawg127 mcsoupy128 DWG129 MochaDog130 Squinbux131 steveponedal132 ducyacy133 Elfrink134 jsanders3rd135 jaywalker72136 dahummer137 lexomatic138 Radagast Brown139 thewgaf140 philatusa141 Apollo 21142 manilacone143 jbrennon144 dugout2145 hellbrand146147148
Sun May 31, 2020 11:28 am
Sun May 31, 2020 12:21 pm
Sun May 31, 2020 6:14 pm
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