Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostWed Jun 03, 2020 2:49 am

Bum from the 1800s who hit .440: "I'd like to see you hit an underhand slo-pitch baseball with a cricket bat..."


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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostWed Jun 03, 2020 8:55 am

After 18 games Schupp had 6 appearances and 29.1 innings.

At that point I removed all roles, per a few managers suggestions. He didn't pitch at all in games 19-21.

I'm pretty soured on my experiment, and may bring Schupp into my starting rotation.

Outta Leftfield

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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostWed Jun 03, 2020 9:50 am

Chompsky wrote:I'm pretty soured on my experiment, and may bring Schupp into my starting rotation.

Well, if you start Schupp, you know he'll get innings. And, given his current 2.15 ERA, that's a good thing. It's not that he isn't pitching well. As an SP, he would have had 5 starts so far—and likely 40 to 45 IP. And as starter, 250 to 260 IP for the season would be almost guaranteed.

Also your bullpen still has 2 R5 inning-eaters--so the bullpen is covered. Actually, those two R5s may be part of the problem for Schupp getting innings as an RP.

Plus, your team is 13-8, so not too much overall harm has been so far--we could chalk this up as worthy experiment that has led to an interesting conclusion.

My own view, as a bit of a resister to the whole super-reliever phenomenon, is that if an SP8/RP can get more innings as a starter than as reliever, that's a good thing overall for the game.


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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostWed Jun 03, 2020 10:14 am

freeman wrote:Bum from the 1800s who hit .440: "I'd like to see you hit an underhand slo-pitch baseball with a cricket bat..."


Not to mention the chorus from the 260 pound DHs who swing a bat four times a night, either strikeout, hit a homer to a 300 ft fence after 7 batter box timeouts to adjust his crotch, or gets a walk and pinch-run for so he doesn't have a heart attack, right before ducking out for a shot of hormones.

The whole argument is silly and doesn't even matter--creating a league excluding those "bums" is a capability. Folks can go ahead and fill it.


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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostWed Jun 03, 2020 11:36 am

Just a thought I have had regarding maximizing reliever innings now; if HAL is going to make a reliever rest 2 or 2+ days after throwing 3 or more innings in a given appearance, it might be better to limit your best reliever with the 2-3 innings setting. In this manner, we might be able to get a reliever to pitch 2-3 innings on back to back days (with middle man and set up roles and perhaps even more so for relievers with R3, R4 or R5 ratings). At least to me, I would rather have Schupp pitch 2-3 important innings on back to back days than 4+ innings in one possibly meaningless appearance.

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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostTue Jun 16, 2020 9:25 pm

Chompsky wrote:I'm pretty soured on my experiment, and may bring Schupp into my starting rotation.

Since entering Chompsky's starting rotation at game 22, Schupp has started in 8 games, throwing 71 innings--almost 9 innings per outing-- and posting a 6-1 W/L record.

I think Chompsky's experiment suggests that under ATG9, Schupp is more valuable as an SP than as RP. I personally think that's as it should be. ;)


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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostWed Jun 17, 2020 9:29 am

Wow that is pretty convincing and I would tend to agree. Good managers adjust, and looks like Chompsky had the discipline to do so midstream.


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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostWed Jun 17, 2020 10:58 am

Discipline? Hardly, but thank you for saying so, FrankieT!!

Impatience, yes. Frustration, sure. Discipline, not so much.

The Super-Reliever is dead, Long live the Super-Reliever!

All kidding aside, I was 100% unable to use Schupp in a super-reliever fashion. I couldn't even get him to pitch in 33% of the games--which is the low end of what I expected out of the experiment. Once he pitched 3 or more innings he needed AT LEAST two games off, and on two occasions he needed THREE games off.

Caveat: Because of my impatience, my team produced a paltry amount of data. Those with some actual discipline and patience can run the experiment for a longer period and can stand more confidently behind their conclusions than I can.


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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostWed Jun 17, 2020 11:04 am

While I applaud the experiment , I think Schupp is just too expensive to use as a reliever. I would think an experiment using Dale Murray would provide more interesting data.
Last edited by STEVE F on Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Dead or Mostly Dead? a super reliever experiment

PostFri Jun 26, 2020 6:38 am

Yeah Steve...I always find myself having trouble plunking down salary for a S/R when I only need a reliever. Not as much of a pricing value hit when you pay for a starter who is an S/R, and of course there are exceptions.

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