DH Moving to another position after player leaves game

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DH Moving to another position after player leaves game

PostMon Jun 08, 2020 7:38 pm

I know what the real baseball rule is, but, I recall something from SOM a few months ago that they are considering changing the logic regarding this issue so that it does, indeed, agree with real baseball. Does anybody know how this is working as of today? If the starting DH is capable of playing CF and the CF comes out of the game does the DH have a possibility of moving to CF? It's my understanding that the current programmed logic prohibits such a move and the CF replacement would be a bench player only.


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Re: DH Moving to another position after player leaves game

PostMon Jun 08, 2020 9:02 pm

I don't think your DH will ever move to the field during a game.
The change they made a few months ago involved the pre-game lineup only. In the past, if you had Barry Bonds as your everyday DH (and backup LF), and your LF was unavailable for your next game, the game logic couldn't handle it for some reason... It would leave Bonds at DH and use someone else in LF. They fixed that, thankfully. But I don't believe they changed anything involving in-game substitutions.
And keep in mind, you wouldn't be able to designate such a move anyway. The backups you list don't apply to in-game substitutions, only pre-game.


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Re: DH Moving to another position after player leaves game

PostMon Jun 08, 2020 10:00 pm

I found the note from 1/15/19 on the lineup page--guess they haven't declared anything and that I can assume my DH (who can play CF) will not moved by "HAL" to CF for either of these two reasons.
1)DH Identified as a backup CF before game starts
2)the CF gets injured or pinch-hit for in-game and no one on the bench is qualified to play CF.

It's interesting they state "DH's work the same as any other position"; this implies they have on their mind, how DH's work in-play, as well as pre-game. But, I fear they only are discussing in their dark, smoke-filled rooms, how DH's work "pre-game", not in-play.

I guess the thing to do is write the game company to see if anything has changed since 1/15/19 regarding the programmed logic for this issue. I figure if they haven't removed the note then I can assume nothing has changed since 1/15/19 for this issue.

NOTE, 1/15/19: Previously, we had stated that "your starting DH will not be moved to another position in the event of an injury to the starter at that other position, even if he is listed as a backup there. He would be ignored, and the next backup at that position (if any) would be considered." Currently, we have reason to believe this is no longer the case and that DH's work the same as any other position, but we are not quite ready to declare this officially. If you have evidence either confirming or denying this, please let us know. Thanks!

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