Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:36 am
In another thread, you can see a suggestion by nomadbrad. I also posted his text, so that my comment at end of the survey looked like this:
I play the 365 Online game and would like to see more active support for this product.
I would like to see a PC version of ATG 9 which has the entire same player set with SALARY structure. Integrating the salary structure of ATG9 into a computerized player set would be HUGE!!!! I would pay $89 for such a PC version.....I think this would be a HUGE seller for would get online players to buy your CD game + it would bring your computer customers to come play ATG 9 for you and your customers....but it ONLY works if it has the salary structure and then you can set different cap levels for different would be BEAUTIFUL....WHAT better way to celebrate your 60th Anniversary ?!?!