Wed Nov 11, 2020 6:44 pm
"No, the year refers to the card set. We did contract extensions in January for the 2019 card set. We’re now doing contracts for the 2020 card set. We make offers before the cards are released. If you go back to the contract chat thread you will see that our contracts are up to date."
Maybe this is just a misunderstanding so I'm going to give you my understanding of it and hopefully somebody will be able to tell me where I'm wrong. The 2019 players' salaries were locked in at their SOMO card prices when we drafted them. We did our contract extensions in January and those extensions were for the 2020 card set (and beyond in the case of a multi year extension) that will be coming out in March. The salaries for 2020 are in place now with the exceptions of: 1)players in arbitration for which we have to wait till March to get their final salary and 2) any free agents we sign starting Jan.1
The contract extensions we should be doing this offseason are for the players with arb 1,2,3 in the 2021 column before the real life 2021 season is played for the reason we've agreed on -- it doesn't make sense to have full knowledge of how a player performs in 2021 when we have to make the decision to go to arbitration or sign a contract extension.
For example, I drafted Christian Walker with a 2019 card at 3,880,000. As a 2 yr service player I was able to renew his contract for 2020 at the same price which is what is in his 2020 column. His 2021 column is arb1. It was my understanding that I now have to make the decision to either let him go to arbitration or sign him to a 4 year contract extension. If I don't have to decide this till next November I will know exactly how he does in real life making it a very easy decision. Appreciate any feedback and Philip if you just want to enjoy your finals and deal with this after, no problem.