Switch Hitters

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Switch Hitters

PostWed Sep 09, 2020 7:22 pm

Generally in Strat-O-Matic 365 is there more value in switch hitters? Is so how much?

For instance G. Porter 1979 vs Posada 2000. I see that Posada has a few anti clutch numbers (I don't know how much they will come into play). I'm in Detroit 1978 park at present, but also is there more value in a more neutral park?

Thank You


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Re: Switch Hitters

PostThu Sep 10, 2020 10:33 pm

I think it's a nice bonus to have a switch hitter* or two on your team; however, other factors are more important. Also, if you have too many switch hitters in your starting lineup, you are vulnerable to "reverse" starting pitchers (e.g., a lefty who is 4R).

*assuming he's fairly balanced against lefties and righties.


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Re: Switch Hitters

PostMon Sep 21, 2020 9:29 am

I'm having an issue with messages getting stuck in my Outbox, so this is a message for 30west60thstreet unrelated to the thread.

I'd like to join the "Let It All Out!" league, but it's private. Do you have an open slot I could fill? My email is dawgplasma@gmail.com.



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Re: Switch Hitters

PostMon Sep 21, 2020 12:18 pm

A message will remain in the Outbox until it is read. At that point it moves to Sent. The message isn't stuck, 30west60thstreet hasn't read it yet. He's not a frequenter of the forums.


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Re: Switch Hitters

PostMon Sep 21, 2020 1:06 pm

Thanks so much for clarifying! I thought I was doing something wrong. Apologies to 30west60thstreet who surely has multiple messages from me saying the same thing.


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Re: Switch Hitters

PostMon Sep 21, 2020 1:10 pm

Also, can you help me with the etiquette on Private leagues? The league I'm asking about is 24-team and it's less than half full. The league description makes it sound like it's open to anyone, but the password isn't posted (or I can't find it). I can understand creating a Private league if you have your owners set and don't want anyone else slipping in, but I'm uncertain as to why so many leagues that appear open are created as Private. Are the commissioners wanting to screen applicants or something like that?


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Re: Switch Hitters

PostMon Sep 21, 2020 1:24 pm

dawg, you're asking reasonable questions, but I can't help you with your question about the etiquette of private leagues. However, I can tell about the etiquette of hijacking another person's thread; it's frowned upon in any forum.

So, again, good questions, but next time just start a new topic. :)


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Re: Switch Hitters

PostMon Sep 21, 2020 1:32 pm

My apologies. :oops:


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Re: Switch Hitters

PostMon Sep 21, 2020 2:10 pm

Don't sweat it dawgplasma. Live and learn on forum etiquette. As far as private leagues go I think a lot of them are set up with good intentions. A manager wants to get their buddies together but then they discover they had fewer friends than they thought lol. The Private League section has always been loaded with what are essentially dead leagues. It would be nice if the manager who created the league could be contacted somehow by those wanting to join but unless they read PM's that's not possible. The vast majority of managers don't visit the forums.

In the Open League section their are a couple of leagues filling that somewhat match the criteria of that closed Private League. ATG; high salary cap....GL....


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Re: Switch Hitters

PostSun Nov 29, 2020 10:46 pm

I like to use switchies a lot, esp. with a balanced home park. If the SH is balanced, then the opponents SP won’t matter, unless they’re a reverse pitcher. But I don’t see many rotations with multiple reverse pitchers because many managers play skewed parks, and choose their pitchers accordingly.

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