Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostWed Sep 23, 2020 4:16 pm

egvrich wrote:Somewhere along the lines I thought I had read or heard that there came a point where every roll goes to the hitters card ... But I could be totally wrong.

Rich, I have a similar impression from somewhere.

But the explanation I posted doesn't say that.


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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostWed Sep 23, 2020 4:35 pm

ploughboy1526 wrote:I'll go back and look in more detail (sometime :lol: ), but I've almost always (probably 99%) until recently (Im experimenting with the bullpen thing) 'gone with 4 stud or very good starters set with don't relieve before F0. I'm often in the top 2 or 3 teams in ERA, if not at the top.

Most recent example: Rich and I are going into the playoffs against each other tonight. We both have staffs with 4 stud aces. Rich leads the league in ERA, and I'm in second. Rich's bullpen pitched a total of 42 innings, mine 25.

I'm not saying Nomad is wrong, but if he's right, it apparently hasn't made a difference in terms of its effect.

If you are playing $80 million leagues you can get away with F4 for TOP flight SPs in a Petco....but don't try that strategy in $110 to $160 leagues or you'll be fed to the sharks.


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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostWed Sep 23, 2020 5:01 pm

I had the oh very brilliant idea of going with four top line S9* starters in the round #4 $140million Barnstormers tournament.

I have no bullpen.

I set them all the starters for slow hook do not relieve before F2.

This is not a smart move.

Do not try this at home.

Thin ice.

Dragons lie past this point. And NomadBrad's referenced sharks.

Seriously, don't do it.

Are you listening?



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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostWed Sep 23, 2020 6:13 pm

Chompsky wrote:I had the oh very brilliant idea of going with four top line S9* starters in the round #4 $140million Barnstormers tournament.

I have no bullpen.

I set them all the starters for slow hook do not relieve before F2.

This is not a smart move.

Do not try this at home.

Thin ice.

Dragons lie past this point. And NomadBrad's referenced sharks.

Seriously, don't do it.

Are you listening?


Post the team for us Chomp


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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostThu Sep 24, 2020 1:49 pm

When I posted earlier I was below .500, in the midst of a 58 game stretch where I had gone 23-35. Which may explain, at least in part, my perspective at the time.

One of my superstitions is kind of the inverse of the 100 win curse. Namely, the 'ol self-deprecation shield. If you concede, publicly, that you are an idiot manager and that your team is poorly designed--HAL may fail to notice you as it throws thunderbolts at the 100 win teams! Why would HAL plague a mess of a team?! My belief is that HAL is vicious, mean-spirited, and out to get us to be sure...but not too smart. HAL can be tricked!


My pitcher rolls could be worse given how far I push the starting pitchers: 1854-1797

Again, just be clear. I am an imbecile manager and only a monkey (Nim Chimpsky?) could have designed such a team!


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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostThu Sep 24, 2020 7:01 pm

So the view of the team shows the rolls aren't effected to create more hitting on the hitters. IF the @'s are changed to hits, Singles Doubles Triples and Home Runs, lets assume on average at FO the pitcher has converted the 200/2160 chances of an @ symbol to a double. This changes Greg Maddox's OPS to .440 from .160 at that point in a 10-10-10-10 park. Which still makes him as valuable as a 2.25 million dollar reliever. Since that 1.75 million is used on hitting, the value of keeping Greg Maddux at F0 is a positive 1.75 million over any other team with a reliever at 2.25 million. This means the stud strategy for 4 relievers has 5.5 million more dollars than a team with a traditional bullpen and 4 studs at no degradation in performance. This is the difference between having JOhnny Bench or Josh Gibson as your catcher. For your team about 38 more offensive runs for the season with no loss of defensive runs. That is if your pitching is in F4 or lower for the same number of innings that a full relief staff would pitch, which is unlikely. If a 4 stud team had 150 innings of F4 or lower that would be quite a bit and the average team probably has 200-250 innings of bullpen work, coached very poorly. So you are also picking up another 3.5 million in pitching advantage, as you get the great stud pitcher for an additional 100 innings over a 2.25 million dollar reliever. Now you know why so many of the top % managers play that strategy, it is just mathematically in their interest.


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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostThu Sep 24, 2020 8:29 pm

All I know is that in looking at Chompsky's team (about 57% of the season completed), Stud George Sweeney's batters have gone approximately 13 for 28 when he's pitching at F5, F4, F3,F2,F1,F0. (just a quick perusal, folks --may not be entirely accurate.) For a complete season that is about 24 for 50. I figure that amounts to 11 or 12 innings for an entire season. His team is average, but, trending up. May be a playoff contender when all is said and done.

Assuming his other studs have similar results that amounts to about 48 innings of fatigued pitching for an entire season.

I just hope that's preferable to spending available money on a 2.25 million standard reliever.

Assuming a standard 2.25 million reliever is pitching high leverage innings it might not be the worse thing in the world to consider acquiring that reliever, unless you think you have a good 4-stud team that's a shoo-in for postseason play.


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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostThu Sep 24, 2020 10:01 pm

If you are playing $80 million leagues you can get away with F4 for TOP flight SPs in a Petco....but don't try that strategy in $110 to $160 leagues or you'll be fed to the sharks.

Current Barnstormers team $140 : https://365.strat-o-matic.com/team/1595887

Best record
#1 in pitching
All set at F0

Always use that setting when I have 4 studs, no matter what cap playing at.

Another $140 : https://365.strat-o-matic.com/team/1598736

Still early but $200: https://365.strat-o-matic.com/team/1600180

If I'm paying that much on my SP...they're throwing till their arms fall off! :lol:



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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostFri Sep 25, 2020 3:59 am

Tkl - Based on my limited experience in $140 leagues (about 400 leagues or so), this is an aberation that your Runs against is so low in a decent offensive park.


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Re: Bullpen/Pitcher Settings

PostFri Sep 25, 2020 3:31 pm

I'd say that's more than just limited experience... :lol:

That's almost as many teams as I have in my career! Probably right on the runs thing, dice just rolling my way early. I will still always go with F0 if I'm using an all stud staff. I'd much rather have that SP in as opposed to HAL making a choice on my RP.


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