Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostSun Oct 04, 2020 5:42 am

Guys - this is my best guess at this stage about which managers might make the semi-finals.

It looks like a score of just over 350 will be needed this year.

To make this projection, I have used the following assumptions:
1. League 5 scores have been extrapolated using existing win percentages (as of 4 Oct).
2. If your league 5 team scores 85 wins or above, I have assumed that you will make the playoffs.
3. Playoff teams will get an additional 0-8 wins. I have assumed that all teams who make the playoffs in L5 will get 4 wins.

EW = estimated wins.
PW= playoff wins.

If you see any obvious mistakes, let me know and I will correct them in the next update.

Also if there are any managers outside of the current top47 that you think should be added to this list, please let me know.


Projected Curr subt EW Play PW Proj
Rank Manager L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Top4 Top4 L5 L5? L5 Score
1 cristano1 101 97 97 101 66 396 396 87 Yes 4 400
2 ScumbyJr 91 107 91 103 50 392 392 84 No 392
3 hendrix08 93 101 89 82 79 365 387 104 Yes 4 391
4 Mochadog 100 93 77 102 67 372 383 88 Yes 4 387
5 Gilbo 80 91 94 102 73 367 383 96 Yes 4 387
6 moodysix 102 98 96 70 66 366 383 87 Yes 4 387
7 Terry101 93 84 94 92 74 363 376 97 Yes 4 380
8mastermosser5681 91 101 93 69 366 376 91 Yes 4 380
9 J-Pav 93 92 86 92 62 363 375 98 Yes 4 379
10 Bob711 94 94 98 80 67 366 374 88 Yes 4 378
11 stoney18 100 77 94 80 76 351 374 100 Yes 4 378
12 exwallman 99 98 96 85 60 378 378 79 No 378
13 mesquiton 106 101 85 80 63 372 375 83 No 375
14 bbfan 73 82 101 106 64 362 373 84 No 373
15 JDClark 81 95 102 92 63 370 372 83 No 372
16 NYY82602 92 92 93 94 45 371 371 71 No 371
17 teamnasty 89 92 85 95 69 361 367 91 Yes 4 371
18 Lev 80 93 79 98 59 350 365 94 Yes 4 369
19 Dhowser 98 95 69 105 51 367 367 68 No 367
20 killermarc 80 103 83 101 50 367 367 79 No 367
21 Lindamei 88 97 81 90 44 356 363 88 Yes 4 367
22jsanders3rd 89 88 92 75 70 344 361 92 Yes 4 365
23 toshiro 97 78 100 87 60 362 363 79 No 363
24 stevep107 72 96 85 96 64 349 361 84 No 361
25 karphenry 96 82 83 82 73 343 357 96 Yes 4 361
26 Delbird 81 79 96 93 66 349 357 87 Yes 4 361
27 Morpheus 87 99 82 92 55 360 360 72 No 360
28 wjb23 82 88 101 85 64 356 358 84 No 358
29 Randall64 85 91 94 88 45 358 358 71 No 358
30 mcsoupy 90 83 94 90 0 357 357 0 No 357
31jimmyjames209 71 95 92 84 65 342 357 86 No 357
32Jarrythewizard 73 101 89 82 62 345 354 82 No 354
33jeepdriver 98 78 79 94 62 349 353 82 No 353
34 keyzick 87 87 92 86 52 352 352 68 No 352
35 bigmahon 90 101 82 79 61 352 352 80 No 352
36 unctarheel83 84 90 95 57 352 352 75 No 352
37 klx22 94 80 80 97 57 351 351 75 No 351
38 mbertolli 78 104 79 88 60 349 350 79 No 350
39 chris_s 98 79 82 90 57 349 349 75 No 349
40 Boyer14 89 85 86 88 63 348 348 83 No 348
41 philatusa 91 85 82 87 64 345 347 84 No 347
42MPCharette 86 88 90 81 63 345 347 83 No 347
43CirrhoticLiver90 93 77 85 52 345 345 68 No 345
44 PETERLE 95 78 83 88 57 344 344 75 No 344
45 ycbill 86 80 76 84 66 326 337 87 Yes 4 341
46 Waynick 83 86 84 77 61 330 333 80 No 333
47watershark1967 80 88 71 76 54 315 315 71 No 315


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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostSat Oct 10, 2020 1:57 am

Updated 10th Oct:

Proj Current sub-total Exp Wins Playoffs Playoff wins Predicted
Rank Manager L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Top4 Top4 L5 L5? L5 Score
1 cristano1 101 97 97 101 79 396 396 91 Yes 4 396
2 ScumbyJr 91 107 91 103 61 392 392 82 No 392
3 hendrix08 93 101 89 82 91 365 388 105 Yes 4 392
4 Mochadog 100 93 77 102 79 372 386 91 Yes 4 390
5 moodysix 102 98 96 70 76 366 383 87 Yes 4 387
6 Gilbo 80 91 94 102 81 367 380 93 Yes 4 384
7 Terry101 93 84 94 94 85 365 379 98 Yes 4 383
8 Bob711 94 94 98 80 78 366 376 90 Yes 4 380
9 stoney18 100 77 94 80 88 351 375 101 Yes 4 379
10 J-Pav 93 92 86 92 72 363 374 97 Yes 4 378
11 bbfan 73 82 101 106 74 362 374 85 Yes 4 378
12 exwallman99 98 96 85 67 378 378 77 No 378
13mastermosser56 81 91 101 93 77 366 373 88 Yes 4 377
14 mesquiton 106 101 85 80 72 372 375 83 No 375
15 JDClark 81 95 102 92 73 370 373 84 No 373
16 teamnasty 89 92 85 95 80 361 368 92 Yes 4 372
17 NYY82602 92 92 93 94 54 371 371 73 No 371
18 stevep107 72 96 85 96 76 349 364 87 Yes 4 368
19 Lev 80 93 79 98 69 350 364 93 Yes 4 368
20 Dhowser 98 95 69 105 65 367 367 75 No 367
21 killermarc 80 103 83 101 55 367 367 74 No 367
22 toshiro 97 78 100 90 68 365 365 78 No 365
23 Lindamei 88 97 81 90 52 356 360 85 Yes 4 364
24 wjb23 82 88 101 85 74 356 359 85 Yes 4 363
25 Morpheus 87 99 82 95 65 363 363 75 No 363
26jsanders3rd 89 88 92 75 78 344 359 90 Yes 4 363
27 karphenry 96 82 83 82 84 343 358 97 Yes 4 362
28 Randall64 85 91 94 88 55 358 358 74 No 358
29 mcsoupy 90 83 94 90 0 357 357 0 No 357
30 jeepdriver 98 78 79 96 72 351 356 83 No 356
31 philatusa 91 85 82 87 77 345 351 88 Yes 4 355
32Jarrythewizard73 101 89 82 71 345 354 82 No 354
33 Delbird 81 79 96 93 72 349 353 83 No 353
34 keyzick 87 87 92 86 60 352 352 69 No 352
35 bigmahon 90 101 82 79 71 352 352 82 No 352
36 unctarheel83 84 90 95 63 352 352 72 No 352


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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostSat Oct 17, 2020 5:31 am

Updated 17th Oct:

1 cristano1 101 97 97 101 88 396 396 88 Yes 4 396
2 ScumbyJr 91 107 91 103 71 392 392 82 No 392
3 hendrix08 93 101 89 82 101 365 384 101 Yes 4 388
4 Mochadog 100 93 77 102 89 372 384 89 Yes 4 388
5 Gilbo 80 91 94 102 92 367 379 92 Yes 4 383
6 moodysix 102 98 96 70 85 366 381 85 No 381
7 Terry101 93 84 94 94 96 365 377 96 Yes 4 381
8 stoney18 100 77 94 80 103 351 377 103 Yes 4 381
9 J-Pav 93 92 86 92 85 363 375 98 Yes 4 379
10 Bob711 94 94 98 80 88 366 374 88 Yes 4 378
11 exwallman99 98 96 85 75 378 378 75 No 378
12mastermosser5681 91 101 93 89 366 374 89 Yes 4 378
13 Dhowser 98 95 69 105 79 367 377 79 No 377
14 mesquiton 106 101 85 80 83 372 375 83 No 375
15 bbfan 73 82 101 106 83 362 372 83 No 372
16 NYY82602 92 92 93 94 65 371 371 75 No 371
17 JDClark 81 95 102 92 80 370 369 80 No 369
18 teamnasty 89 92 85 95 89 361 365 89 Yes 4 369
19 stevep107 72 96 85 96 88 349 365 88 Yes 4 369
20 toshiro 97 78 100 90 82 365 369 82 No 369
21 killermarc 80 103 83 101 66 367 367 76 No 367
22 Lindamei 88 97 81 90 64 356 361 86 Yes 4 365
23 jsanders3rd89 88 92 75 91 344 360 91 Yes 4 364
24 Morpheus 87 99 82 95 73 363 363 73 No 363
25 Lev 80 93 79 98 76 350 358 87 Yes 4 362
26 jeepdriver 98 78 79 96 85 351 358 85 Yes 4 362
27 karphenry 96 82 83 82 94 343 355 94 Yes 4 359
28 Randall64 85 91 94 88 67 358 358 77 No 358
29 wjb23 82 88 101 85 83 356 357 83 No 357
30 mcsoupy 90 83 94 90 0 357 357 0 No 357
31 bigmahon 90 101 82 79 84 357 357 84 No 357
32 philatusa 91 85 82 87 88 345 351 88 Yes 4 355
33Jarrythewizard73 101 89 82 83 345 355 83 No 355
34 Delbird 81 79 96 93 84 349 354 84 No 354
35 keyzick 87 87 92 86 71 352 352 71 No 352
36 unctarheel83 84 90 95 74 352 352 74 No 352
37 klx22 94 80 80 97 76 351 351 76 No 351
38jimmyjames20971 95 92 84 79 342 350 79 No 350
39 mbertolli 78 104 79 88 79 349 350 79 No 350
40 chris_s 98 79 82 90 77 349 349 77 No 349
41MPCharette 86 88 90 81 81 345 345 81 Yes 4 349
42 Boyer14 89 85 86 88 84 348 348 84 No 348
43CirrhoticLiver90 93 77 85 69 345 345 69 No 345
44 PETERLE 95 78 83 88 75 344 344 75 No 344

The top 36 is just about set. The only one outside of the top 36 in the above list who could possibly make the semi-finals is MPCharette who would need to win the semis and win at least 3 games in his final series in L5 to get enough points.

klx22 is the 'bubble boy' this year. He is one win short of making the semis.

B.L. Brown

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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostSat Oct 17, 2020 8:05 am

I have been watching and tracking the standings of this fine tournament since I have several friends involved including one who is still mathematically alive for the top 36. Lev only has to win 3 of his last 21 games to move into 36th at 353, dropping the 2 players at 352 out. Milleram has to win 3 games in his playoffs to hit 353. Samho has to win 6 in his playoffs to hit 353. Plus, there are 2 players in the last group of leagues who at their current pace will get there as well. Itchy may not need playoffs to make it. Currently, Radagast would need 2 playoff wins. I believe Delbird sits at a possible tiebreaker spot at 354. Congrats to the organizer for a great tournament and good luck to those still trying to make the top 36 and to all those who have already secured a spot.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostSat Oct 17, 2020 1:11 pm

Thanks much, especially to Mr. Baseball. This was my first Players Championship. I will probably fall short of the final 36, but I do have an outside shot I guess. Congratulations to all the fine managers especially those that will make the final 36.

This was a nice change of pace to the very challenging Mystery Tournament and the fast pace of The Daily Game.


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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostSat Oct 17, 2020 8:32 pm

B.L. Brown wrote:I have been watching and tracking the standings of this fine tournament since I have several friends involved including one who is still mathematically alive for the top 36. Lev only has to win 3 of his last 21 games to move into 36th at 353, dropping the 2 players at 352 out. Milleram has to win 3 games in his playoffs to hit 353. Samho has to win 6 in his playoffs to hit 353. Plus, there are 2 players in the last group of leagues who at their current pace will get there as well. Itchy may not need playoffs to make it. Currently, Radagast would need 2 playoff wins. I believe Delbird sits at a possible tiebreaker spot at 354. Congrats to the organizer for a great tournament and good luck to those still trying to make the top 36 and to all those who have already secured a spot.

Lev is projected to finish with 362 points in 25th place.

Milleram needs to be added to the list. Will update shortly.

I will also add samh0711, ITCHY, Radagast Brown, and Delbird to the list as well.

Thanks for pointing this out to me.



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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostSat Oct 17, 2020 8:43 pm

1 cristano1 101 97 97 101 88 396 396 88 Yes 4 396
2 ScumbyJr 91 107 91 103 71 392 392 82 No 392
3 hendrix08 93 101 89 82 101 365 384 101 Yes 4 388
4 Mochadog 100 93 77 102 89 372 384 89 Yes 4 388
5 Gilbo 80 91 94 102 92 367 379 92 Yes 4 383
6 moodysix 102 98 96 70 85 366 381 85 No 381
7 Terry101 93 84 94 94 96 365 377 96 Yes 4 381
8 stoney18 100 77 94 80 103 351 377 103 Yes 4 381
9 J-Pav 93 92 86 92 85 363 375 98 Yes 4 379
10 Bob711 94 94 98 80 88 366 374 88 Yes 4 378
11 exwallman99 98 96 85 75 378 378 75 No 378
12 mastermosser56 81 91 101 93 89 366 374 89 Yes 4 378
13 Dhowser 98 95 69 105 79 367 377 79 No 377
14 mesquiton 106 101 85 80 83 372 375 83 No 375
15 bbfan 73 82 101 106 83 362 372 83 No 372
16 NYY82602 92 92 93 94 65 371 371 75 No 371
17 JDClark 81 95 102 92 80 370 369 80 No 369
18 teamnasty 89 92 85 95 89 361 365 89 Yes 4 369
19 stevep107 72 96 85 96 88 349 365 88 Yes 4 369
20 toshiro 97 78 100 90 82 365 369 82 No 369
21 killermarc 80 103 83 101 66 367 367 76 No 367
22 Lindamei 88 97 81 90 64 356 361 86 Yes 4 365
23 jsanders3rd 89 88 92 75 91 344 360 91 Yes 4 364
24 Morpheus 87 99 82 95 73 363 363 73 No 363
25 Lev 80 93 79 98 76 350 358 87 Yes 4 362
26 jeepdriver 98 78 79 96 85 351 358 85 Yes 4 362
27 karphenry 96 82 83 82 94 343 355 94 Yes 4 359
28 Randall64 85 91 94 88 67 358 358 77 No 358
29 wjb23 82 88 101 85 83 356 357 83 No 357
30 mcsoupy 90 83 94 90 0 357 357 0 No 357
31 bigmahon 90 101 82 79 84 357 357 84 No 357
32 philatusa 91 85 82 87 88 345 351 88 Yes 4 355
33 Jarrythewizard 73 101 89 82 83 345 355 83 No 355
34 ITCHY 92 88 76 80 79 351 351 91 Yes 4 355
35 Radagast Brown 83 69 96 75 84 351 351 97 Yes 4 355
36 Delbird 81 79 96 93 84 349 354 84 No 354
37 Milleram 77 84 94 71 95 350 350 75 Yes 4 354
38 keyzick 87 87 92 86 71 352 352 71 No 352
39 unctarheel 83 84 90 95 74 352 352 74 No 352
40 klx22 94 80 80 97 76 351 351 76 No 351
41 samh0711 98 87 76 0 86 347 347 75 Yes 4 351
42 jimmyjames209 71 95 92 84 79 342 350 79 No 350
43 mbertolli 78 104 79 88 79 349 350 79 No 350
44 chris_s 98 79 82 90 77 349 349 77 No 349
45 MPCharette 86 88 90 81 81 345 345 81 Yes 4 349

Updated with additional managers who could make the top 36, depending on playoff performance in L5.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostMon Oct 19, 2020 11:42 pm

Since mentioning I might technically still be alive I have gone 1-8. I think that is it for me. Doh! Best of luck everyone else.


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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostTue Oct 20, 2020 1:37 am

There must be a mistake. I am looking very carefully and I dont see my name in the top 36... :D

Reminds me of the time my boss was playing fantasy baseball back in the dark (pre-internet) days in some national $25,000 prize competition. There were thousands of teams, which were divided into 25 team leagues, and he put his team together and he was mailed the results for like the first couple of weeks,but he doesnt see his team so he calls up to find what the heck happened...

Boss: "What happened? My team is missing! I got sent a league with only 24 teams and you guys forgot to include my team. What kind of operation are you running there?"
Customer service: "What league are you in?"
Boss: "Blah blah blah."
Customer Service: "Team name?"
Boss: "Blah blah blah."
Customer Service: "Well, let's see here....Well, sir, the reason youre not listed is that, uh, youre ranked 25th. Guess you only got the first page..."
Boss: "oh."


Boss: "The guy gave me a pep talk, said it's early and I still had a chance..."
Me: "You kidding? Youre toast!"

Radagast Brown

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Re: Semi-Finals Projected Top 36 Managers

PostWed Oct 21, 2020 8:53 am

I played in one of those leagues before the Internet. I was probably the guy in 24th place, out of 25. I want to say this one was a USA TODAY LEAGUE from approximately 1999 or 2000.

I found online SOM around the summer of 2006, after having played cards and dice off and on since the age of 8.

I wish I had found it when it first came out. I like how they still offer the 2007-2019 sets. Now if they could only link up 1999 thru 2019 that would be impressive. And a few more 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s individual season sets. It seems like a lot to ask but it's really not. They already have the online sets and salaries going back to at least 2002.

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