Honest questions

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Honest questions

PostThu Dec 10, 2020 10:19 pm

Who makes up these cards and ratings anyway???? Here is blunder that makes me shake my head at the "realism" of Strat in general. BTW, if you can't handle honest criticism of Strat, then just skip reading this and save any comments. Thank you in advance.
Here are 2 historical players: Billy Bruton 1955 636 Ab's--30 Doubles---12 Triples----9 Hrs----rated WEAK vs Right and Lefty
Maury Wills 1962 695 Ab's--13 Doubles---10 Triples----6Hrs----rated W vs righty but N vs lefty

???????? why is Wills rated N at all against anyone?, and Bruton rated W against anyone?? is it a popularity contest??

I ask because in a league I am in right now, Maury Wills has hit 4 HRs this season so far(half way point), and TWO of his four Hrs were on the Pitchers card against a lefty where he is rated N, and His other 2 HR's were hit against MY team, against a righty pitcher, where he is rated W---a roll of 2--7 against a righty on Wills's card yields a HR--1--2, Fly out 18--20. So TWICE, with odds around 90% AGAINST, Maury Wills hits a HR on a roll of 1---2 out of 20.
Yes YES!!! I understand, "ANYTHING " is possible-----but TWICE against the same team, on the exact ODDS STACKED AGAINST One to two Roll, Eighteen to Twenty an out?? I couldn't roll dice in real life that way playing at home.

Forget the Odds stuff and probability( let alone the roll of 2-7 coming up a HR Twice for Wills), but How does Maury Wills EVER get an N power rating and a guy like Bill Bruton gets slapped with a Weak?????? Sounds to me like a completely New York Bias towards Wills and a lack of objectivity.
Bruton hit 94 Hrs in 6000Ab's in his career. Wills hit TWENTY(20) Hrs in 7600Ab's in his career. Wills NEVER hit 20 doubles in a season, Bruton hit over 20 doubles in a season SEVEN(7) times.

Is there any way for Strat 365 with the ALL POWERFUL OZ( I mean HAL), to show some transparency on those secondary rolls of ( 1-2 HR, 18-20 Fly out), even just for the record?? I wondering if i research it, how many times a guy with a roll result on his card that says, HR 1---18, flyout 19--20---actuallt GETS the Flyout Out????

Just Sayin........


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Re: Honest questions

PostFri Dec 11, 2020 12:01 am

As if 2020 wasn't bad enough, it's now causing some SOM 365 managers to crack and start believing all sorts of weird conspiracy theories. So sad. :roll:


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Re: Honest questions

PostFri Dec 11, 2020 8:13 am

I asked Honest Questions. I never once mentioned any “ weird conspiracy theories”. I was looking for some honest answers or At least some honest intelligent thought interaction. I presented thought on my Strat 365 experience( since I am a relatively new customer here) along with some facts. Did I randomly rant and rave about this “sucks” or that “sucks”? Did I propose a conspiracy theory? I posed a question about player ratings and how randomness can skew results when ratings might be flawed or wrong. I did question the lack of All dice rolls not shown in game replays. Is critical thought taboo inside Strat?
Finding a better way, being open to change, requires an interchange of ideas and a Community. Repeating things over and over in lockstep is akin to insanity and mindlessness. I prefer being mindfull.


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Re: Honest questions

PostFri Dec 11, 2020 9:55 am

The origin of stratomatic card building is for replay. Meaning, if you were to replay 1962 with the same lineups in the same ballparks you should come up with similar results. Knowing that this is a dice game there can be variance in a single replay but if you replayed a season many times it should balance out.

The beauty of this if I wanted to replace Mitch Williams in Game 6 of the 93 World Series I could see if there was a different results.

SOM online takes the same card build but we apply them differently. We're in 12 team leagues instead 30. We choose different ballparks which is where the N & W are affected.

I don't have the answers but the questions to ask are - How many natural HR rolls are there on Bruton 1955 card? Would he get 9 HRs between the rolls on his card and the pitchers he faced in 1955 in the same ballparks?


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Re: Honest questions

PostFri Dec 11, 2020 5:23 pm

I’m guessing that Bruton’s home park in ‘55 was on the stingier side when it came to home run rate.

Bruton has no HR chances vs. LHP. Combined with the W, he’s getting zero HR’s that side guaranteed.

He has 3.25 straight HR chances vs. RHP. This equates to a 1.504% chance of a HR every time he steps in vs. a RHP.

In 1955 he had 679 PA’s and according to his card 86% of his AB’s came vs. RHP.

86% of 679 is 584. 1.504% of 584 is 8.78. Which rounds to 9. His actual #.

Whether you play him in multiple leagues all season as an everyday player, or platoon him vs. RHP only, he’s going to average 9 HR’s. But it’s possible you could go a whole season and never get the HR roll, or you could hit it 12, 13 or even more times. The variance around the mean in one season is wider than you might imagine. But the absence of BP HR chances on his card actually increases the predictability a little bit I would think.

Also, if your league has more LHP than he saw in 1955 and he gets fewer chances vs. RHP that would impact things too.


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Re: Honest questions

PostFri Dec 11, 2020 9:44 pm

Nyquilizer wrote:I asked Honest Questions. I never once mentioned any “ weird conspiracy theories”. I was looking for some honest answers or At least some honest intelligent thought interaction. I presented thought on my Strat 365 experience( since I am a relatively new customer here) along with some facts. Did I randomly rant and rave about this “sucks” or that “sucks”? Did I propose a conspiracy theory? I posed a question about player ratings and how randomness can skew results when ratings might be flawed or wrong. I did question the lack of All dice rolls not shown in game replays. Is critical thought taboo inside Strat?
Finding a better way, being open to change, requires an interchange of ideas and a Community. Repeating things over and over in lockstep is akin to insanity and mindlessness. I prefer being mindfull.

I re-read your original post, and I stand by my response.

However, I admit to a conspiracy theory of my own. I wonder if you and danno are the same person who enjoy spewing nonsense in order to get a reaction. Probably not, but still I wonder. Anyway, before I put you on my foe list (which blocks your future posts), I'll offer evidence of the weird conspiracy theory (which you deny making) that you put forth:
Sounds to me like a completely New York Bias towards Wills and a lack of objectivity.

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