Fri Dec 11, 2020 6:01 pm
As Freeman said, at the bottom it states:
O,B: Number of outs, bases occupied at the time of the play. "0 2" - No outs, runner on 2nd; "2 1 3" - 2 outs, runners on 1st & 3rd
Baserunners: The fate of each baserunner as a result of the play. "b-1" - Batter reached 1st; "3-H" - runner on 1st scored; "2-0" - runner on 2nd thrown out
Misc.: "gb(SS)X" - Fielding chart X-chance; "bpSI/bpHR" - ballpark single or homerun chance
PCF: The pitcher's Pitch Count Fatigue status after the play.
Lex, you need to reset. I know you're frustrated but you need to dial it back. There is no wide scale conspiracy against you, so don't look for false needles in a haystack.