Discuss different strategies for any of our player sets

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PostThu Dec 17, 2020 2:54 pm

I was going to ask you to show why the formulas both fit...but then realized you did that!

Agreed. I havent seen any evidence that Strat messes with anything. Of course everyone hates losing and the randomness is frustrating.


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PostMon Dec 28, 2020 5:15 pm

Most of you have never heard about the Salem Witch Trials. This is the logic that was used.

If a woman was accused of being a witch, they would tie her hands and feet up and throw her into a pond. If she somehow got loose, it was proven that she was a witch. If she sunk and didn't come up, she was innocent.

This is the same perverted sick logic that many of you use. SOM is a fixed game. There are many bias' that SOM routinely uses including player user bias. You ask me to PROVE to you that there is player user bias and I have. All you have to do is keep records of your own leagues and discover player user name bias on your own. I keep meticulous records for every league that I have played in. User bias is RAMPANT and OBVIOUS.

I don't know how to make this more simple. Most third graders can understand what I am saying. For example:

If you are playing in 5 leagues with the same user name, what are the chances on any one day all 5 of your teams in 5 separate leagues all have the same W/L record? I.E. all win 2 games and all lose 1 game? The chances of that happening are astronomical. Yet, it happens ALL OF THE TIME ON SOM 365. All you have to do is keep a record of your own teams / leagues and it is blatantly clear that these patterns exist. The chance of this happening ONCE is not probable much least repeating itself every 3 or 4 days.

If you deny this is happening, then that just proves how incredibly clueless and closed minded that you are. Am I supposed to compliment you for being a rocket scientist when you can't even identify a simple pattern of numbers?

I'm getting way over your head now but take this into consideration. There is logic from ill-logic. I.E., if you try to play by the rules, common strategy, well balanced approach or by heavy loading any factor, you will most likely lose playing SOM365. Those who routinely win playing SOM365 use an ill-logic. Their teams are convoluted and they don't make any sense. They are not balanced in any form or manner. Most of the top winners here don't even understand the rules of the game. For example.

There is a player here who has played over 500 leagues. He has a strategy blog as well. I have more than once conversed with this fellow and he hasn't the slightest damn idea what he's talking about. Yet, he wins almost every league that he is in. For example. We were speaking about ballpark HR symbols on the player card. He used the following example. He said that if the computer "dice" rolls, let us say, a 3-5 and there's a Ballpark Symbol there (#), then anything below 3-5 to 3-12 will be a homerun. I kid you not! That is absolutely not true. The day that SOM warned everyone not to over use RP and they warned everyone that they were placing an overuse bias on RP, the same player violated that warning and packed his team with rotten SP and top RP. He continues to do so to this very day. This is a guy who doesn't know the rules and or blatantly violates the rules and he routinely wins. The ONLY way this person can chronically win is with the help of SOM which is in the form of a user bias.

Some of you ask why SOM would do this. Let me put it this way. If you are a good customer with almost any vendor, they usually reward you with some sort of discount, freebee, etc. It is clear that SOM does the same thing for their favored customers. They have many customers here who have played several hundred leagues at $20 a pop. Giving free credits for winning your league is for all. Giving favored player status to certain high volume players isn't out of the question. There is no doubt that SOM does this. This is the problem.

There are many of these high profile players and they are in almost every random league. There are only 4 winning spots and at least 2 of these winning spots are taken by these perennial winners. That leaves 1 or 2 spots for the rest of us. The chances of winning your division or the WC are significantly reduced. Although, I have seen rookie players win their division, their strategy is too sophisticated to be on the rookie level. More than some of those posing as rookies are experienced players using a different user player name.

All I ask is to play this game on an equal status. Is that too much to ask?



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PostMon Dec 28, 2020 10:32 pm

Uh, no. I do not observe my teams having the same records every night. Not ever. I have good days and bad days, sure. So if you are observing this please come forward with some evidence. Please provide evidence that your teams are seeing this pattern. Saying these patterns happen, not providing evidence, then calling people idiots if they dont observe something that you will not provide us from your own teams is really annoying. Can you at least provide ONE example.
Last edited by freeman on Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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PostTue Dec 29, 2020 10:58 am

I'm one of those "Senior" players and I want to know why SOM isn't letting me win all the time. :D :D My tournament teams have won 99, 77, 88, 80, and 103 games. Semi final team is 61-68. So many variables in team construction and league construction and add the dice rolls and you can see why it's hard to predict.

I'm with freeman and others. Show you're proof instead of calling me stupid.


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PostTue Dec 29, 2020 11:37 am

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Unread postMon Dec 28, 2020 5:15 pm

Most of you have never heard about the Salem Witch Trials. This is the logic that was used.

If a woman was accused of being a witch, they would tie her hands and feet up and throw her into a pond. If she somehow got loose, it was proven that she was a witch. If she sunk and didn't come up, she was innocent.

This is the same perverted sick logic that many of you use. SOM is a fixed game. There are many bias' that SOM routinely uses including player user bias. You ask me to PROVE to you that there is player user bias and I have. All you have to do is keep records of your own leagues and discover player user name bias on your own. I keep meticulous records for every league that I have played in. User bias is RAMPANT and OBVIOUS.

I don't know how to make this more simple. Most third graders can understand what I am saying. For example:

If you are playing in 5 leagues with the same user name, what are the chances on any one day all 5 of your teams in 5 separate leagues all have the same W/L record? I.E. all win 2 games and all lose 1 game? The chances of that happening are astronomical. Yet, it happens ALL OF THE TIME ON SOM 365. All you have to do is keep a record of your own teams / leagues and it is blatantly clear that these patterns exist. The chance of this happening ONCE is not probable much least repeating itself every 3 or 4 days.

If you deny this is happening, then that just proves how incredibly clueless and closed minded that you are. Am I supposed to compliment you for being a rocket scientist when you can't even identify a simple pattern of numbers?

I'm getting way over your head now but take this into consideration. There is logic from ill-logic. I.E., if you try to play by the rules, common strategy, well balanced approach or by heavy loading any factor, you will most likely lose playing SOM365. Those who routinely win playing SOM365 use an ill-logic. Their teams are convoluted and they don't make any sense. They are not balanced in any form or manner. Most of the top winners here don't even understand the rules of the game. For example.

There is a player here who has played over 500 leagues. He has a strategy blog as well. I have more than once conversed with this fellow and he hasn't the slightest damn idea what he's talking about. Yet, he wins almost every league that he is in. For example. We were speaking about ballpark HR symbols on the player card. He used the following example. He said that if the computer "dice" rolls, let us say, a 3-5 and there's a Ballpark Symbol there (#), then anything below 3-5 to 3-12 will be a homerun. I kid you not! That is absolutely not true. The day that SOM warned everyone not to over use RP and they warned everyone that they were placing an overuse bias on RP, the same player violated that warning and packed his team with rotten SP and top RP. He continues to do so to this very day. This is a guy who doesn't know the rules and or blatantly violates the rules and he routinely wins. The ONLY way this person can chronically win is with the help of SOM which is in the form of a user bias.

Some of you ask why SOM would do this. Let me put it this way. If you are a good customer with almost any vendor, they usually reward you with some sort of discount, freebee, etc. It is clear that SOM does the same thing for their favored customers. They have many customers here who have played several hundred leagues at $20 a pop. Giving free credits for winning your league is for all. Giving favored player status to certain high volume players isn't out of the question. There is no doubt that SOM does this. This is the problem.

There are many of these high profile players and they are in almost every random league. There are only 4 winning spots and at least 2 of these winning spots are taken by these perennial winners. That leaves 1 or 2 spots for the rest of us. The chances of winning your division or the WC are significantly reduced. Although, I have seen rookie players win their division, their strategy is too sophisticated to be on the rookie level. More than some of those posing as rookies are experienced players using a different user player name.

All I ask is to play this game on an equal status. Is that too much to ask?
This makes a lot of sense
However there is an alternative theory that I have that might also be true
Maybe you suck


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PostSun Jan 03, 2021 5:29 pm

Tie his hands up and see if he floats.

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