idea for a rule change

the official tournament of the Mystery Card player sets

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idea for a rule change

PostSat Dec 19, 2020 12:54 am

In the past I was a (so-so) commissioner and I spent so much time commissioning that I missed the playoffs. Since we have other commitments, being a commissioner is a significant competitive disadvantage. So, I propose a rules change so that, when in the previous year a commissioner is widely acclaimed as having done an outstanding job, and that same person is commissioner for the current year, then that person gets 10 points added to their overall score for determining who makes the playoffs. Is that a fair rules change that helps us all enjoy a well-run tournament?


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Re: idea for a rule change

PostSat Dec 19, 2020 9:52 am

I love and endorse this idea, Franky. Juiced’s earnest care for the tourney is more than worth the 10 point “tip” and a great way to say a real thanks.

Juiced JC

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Re: idea for a rule change

PostSat Dec 19, 2020 10:56 am

I appreciate the thought, and Franky is definitely right - I think running the tournament makes it hard to do well as a participant. The numbers support that - in my first 2 years I finished 17th and 10th, and then dropped to 21st and 31st as a commissioner. Having said that, I personally would never accept that 10 points. Who wants to get in to the playoffs as a result of a gift - not me! I'm going to earn my way back into the finals the hard way this year! But again, thanks for thinking of this idea.

This does give me the opportunity to offer up the commissioner role for the 2022 tournament. I think this will be my last year doing this so hopefully someone else is interested in taking over this time next year.


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Re: idea for a rule change

PostSat Dec 19, 2020 3:13 pm

ok, I understand wanting to qualify for the finals without bonus points. But let this be an opportunity for me to post this note for a future "I told you so." For several of us, a well-run Tournament is the best part of SOM. We have had years with no tournament, or a poorly run tournament, or a commissioner who tried to make drastic, poorly-thought-out changes to the tournament. Having some kind of incentive for someone willing to step up and do a nice job as commissioner seems like the fair thing to do, and something we can all benefit from.

Juiced JC

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Re: idea for a rule change

PostSat Dec 19, 2020 4:12 pm

I hear you. I think the incentive should come from Strat - they should give the commissioner 4 credits IMO. They get that back and much more with a well run and well promoted tournament.


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Re: idea for a rule change

PostFri Dec 25, 2020 8:16 am

Juiced JC wrote:I hear you. I think the incentive should come from Strat - they should give the commissioner 4 credits IMO. They get that back and much more with a well run and well promoted tournament.

I agree wholeheartedly. It's a lot of work, and Strat benefits from it more than anyone.

Before Juiced took over, only 1 commissioner attempted to come back for seconds.
Think about how sad that is, and you'll understand how awesome Juiced is!!

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