60's League #8 Members22. fatdaddy054
89. Barkeeper47S
155. Axlerod Gunderson
105. Brothersatm (Betbooth inc)
156. carlerik
93. papavj
54. markmorrison
73. bmilner
120. Sykes25
47. Bigdinkent
(closer)72. Ballbuster
29. ashleyjoe
https://365.strat-o-matic.com/league/452954All non-closers must join the league and set themselves as "Ready for Draft" before Satruday January 16th. Closers (
Bigdinkent and
ashleyjoe) can join the league but must not set themselves as "Ready for Draft" until Saturday January 16th.
Do NOT post the league invite code here.