All non-closers must join the league and set themselves as "Ready for Draft" before Satruday January 16th. Closers (franky35 and FALCON29) can join the league but must not set themselves as "Ready for Draft" until Saturday January 16th. Do NOT post the league invite code here.
60's League #7 Members 41. franky35 (closer) - IN 51. Danoc740 - IN 133. GordieHowe 50. twonewb - IN 113. sakdl6 - IN 99. unclerowser - IN 82. schitchen43 - IN 7. FALCON29 (closer) - IN 136. 1st Command Commando - IN 87. ducyacy - IN 16. fench33 - IN 38. DoctorGonzo - IN
All non-closers must join the league and set themselves as "Ready for Draft" before Saturday January 16th. Closers (franky35 and FALCON29) can join the league but must not set themselves as "Ready for Draft" until Saturday January 16th. Do NOT post the league invite code here.
Last edited by FALCON29 on Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.