2020 Cards drop date?

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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 7:54 am

visick wrote:
[I try to keep that in mind through this difficult time Strat is having and the mistakes they make/quote]

Good post freeman.

Is it that difficult to keep your customers informed?
A simple post on the boards or on our team page letting us know what's going on.

Takes all of 5 min. to do.

This has puzzled me every year with Strat. The cards always drop really without any notice ahead of time. Ya’d think they’d want to build some excitement.


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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 8:52 am

I know. It's not how I would handle things. It's not how I act as a lawyer. Keeping your customer/client adequately informed builds trust. But Strat is what it is I guess. Not sure of the mentality behind it.


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60-game season

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 9:24 am

Would be a nice surprise if they were to offer a short-season option with the "unleashed" set.


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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 10:54 am

visick wrote:
[I try to keep that in mind through this difficult time Strat is having and the mistakes they make/quote]

Good post freeman.

Is it that difficult to keep your customers informed?
A simple post on the boards or on our team page letting us know what's going on.

Takes all of 5 min. to do.

Clearly customer communication is not the company's strong suit. The recent credit card breach is example enough to prove that point. They also have shown time and again, they do not monitor these forums or use them in a way to reach out to their customers. They are still a 20th century company being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st.


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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 11:35 am

I think exactly the same as Keyzick on that matter.

Always out of nowhere, no build up, almost no information before.

All our commentaries... do they even care about them. Is there someone on the board that works for Strat-O to monitor what their customers think or propose ?


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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 11:41 am

They reside in the Seinfeld / Costanza Bizarro World.

Just doing the opposite of what we want.

It's almost as if they couldn't care less.

Eddie E

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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 12:42 pm

I wouldnt go that far, there have been a number of improvements to the game based upon our requests. I think that it just takes them longer to react to issues than most companies. They probably need a larger staff but still keep things smaller due to the expenses involved in expanding.

The Turtle

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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 2:59 pm

We used to have Bernie and he was overworked. JohnG then showed up. But, I just checked. He has not posted in almost 3 years. In that time this forum has been pretty much ignored. There is a reason the threads on the ages of the players here keeps trending upward. I started playing this game online when I found it at Sporting News when I was 23. I'm now 42 and one of the youngest people here. Strat has a lot of issues and won't be around much longer if they keep this business model and complete lack of customer service.


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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 3:14 pm

The Turtle wrote:We used to have Bernie and he was overworked.

Ahh, Bernie. If only we could have him back.....


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Re: 2020 Cards drop date?

PostWed Mar 10, 2021 4:29 pm

"All our commentaries... do they even care about them. Is there someone on the board that works for Strat-O to monitor what their customers think or propose ?"

The amount of time it would take to monitor the boards is so minimal it's hard to fathom why they wouldnt do it....

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