Mon Apr 19, 2021 1:14 pm
Leagues I miss doing:
1 - AL/NL leagues.....they don't offer that subset option anymore.
Leagues no one wants to do for some reason:
2 - SHIFTING SANDS theme. That could be a lot of fun
3 - Alphabet LIVE DRAFT leagues.
....this was always done on the boards. The way it worked is you came up with a draft order but also randomized what letter you started with. So I could be # 1 but i might have to pick letter "R"....then team 2 pick "S" and so forth.
You needed to have min 22 unique letters (including stadiums), were allowed double letters but no more than 2 per...and got 3 "SKIPS" when your turn came up.
I'd love to do that one again. However, that took about 2 weeks or more on the message boards.