Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:46 am
Hello everyone. I’m 59 yes old...will be 60 in September.
I started playing Strat in the early 70s. A few of my friends had strat games and so played with them. My brother and I were APBA fanatics. Bought every new yearly set for at least a decade. During the pandemic my brother has acquired every APBA card set from 1964 to 2009.
I played every baseball card game known to mankind: Strat, APBA, Statis Pro, Worlds Greatest Baseball Game, Sports Illustrated, Baseball Strategy, 3M baseball...Also spent a decade plus on the site playing their baseball sim starting in 2005.
Also played Strat hockey, really liked that too.
I started playing Strat 365 last December. Am really enjoying it. Won a championship with my second team behind 1971 Stargell and Aaron.
Glad to know there are like minded individuals that still enjoy the history of baseball through games like Strat.