Fri May 28, 2021 11:28 am
More included...
a couple questions here.
1) in this portion of the draft do Pitching teams have to pick pitchers? Or can I take hitters under the max allowed salary?
You can select hitters provided they are eligible for your team--you do not have to select a pitcher.
2) The Rules state that pitching teams must keep 2 < 1 Million$ pitchers. If I draft more than 2 do I have to designate which 2 I won't be able to release before the season starts?
You must designate which 2 pitchers with a salary of $1 million or less you are keeping before the season starts. You can have more than 2 at/under $1 million and can drop them but for the 2 you designate before the season, those two will be with you all season long.
Or is it fine as long as I still have 2 of them by the end of the year?[/quote]
Negative---see above.