Dual Franchise League Season 37

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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostThu Sep 16, 2021 8:14 pm

pacoboy wrote:I don’t recall taking votes on new rules. What I mean is there was never an open discussion. If people sent you private messages, I’d understand but we had this change before where you moved players off franchises and it sucked. ….and both times it was when I was picking towards the top. ( coincidence I’ll admit )

You have a point, but I've rarely been disappointed with the decisions Toine makes. He does the work to set up the league and keep it going, so who am I to complain. I've been playing in this league since season 3, so he must be doing something right as far as I see it.

Having said that, "If I see something wrong I generally speak up". So, I don't like trading. But I'll play this year, and probably next year, and the year after...



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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostThu Sep 16, 2021 10:23 pm

To Pacoboy regarding trades; the reason I have mandated that trades be made after the draft has taken place is that ( and I believe some managers attempted this one season) is that manager one says he will trade player one and player two as well as the RIGHTS to player three to another team. When we start allowing managers to trade player RIGHTS, that can create all sorts of questions, problems and headaches! And frankly, I don't need the headaches!! If you guys want to do away with trades; just say the word.


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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostFri Sep 17, 2021 8:58 am

My 2 cents. Not a fan of "free agents" part of the strategy of draft is addressing holes in rosters and deciding what you can live without. If I can simply pick up trout when CF is a weakness on my 2 franchises it eliminates strategy, introduces total luck in who gets a highly impactful player through auto draft and lessens need/impetus for trades.
Would also like to see inseason trades made somehow more easily executed. Lastly, I'm big proponent of Arod, Greene, etc transfered to teams that are made more attractive and need more high end players


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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostFri Sep 17, 2021 9:14 pm

MEAT wrote:My 2 cents. Not a fan of "free agents" part of the strategy of draft is addressing holes in rosters and deciding what you can live without. If I can simply pick up trout when CF is a weakness on my 2 franchises it eliminates strategy, introduces total luck in who gets a highly impactful player through auto draft and lessens need/impetus for trades.
Would also like to see inseason trades made somehow more easily executed. Lastly, I'm big proponent of Arod, Greene, etc transfered to teams that are made more attractive and need more high end players

I feel compelled to note that we already have a significant number of $9+ million eligible stars in the free agent pool who can't fit on 'up' rosters due to salary cap limitations - even with a liberal cap like the one we have. Allowing 1 free agent helps the haves more than the have nots because of how much strength the best teams already have. The premise that we're trying to make it possible to have as many quality players in the league as possible is a canard when it comes at the expense of competitive balance (which is already challenged). If we want as many quality players as possible, just make the salary cap unlimited and stay faithful to the franchise theme. Of course, an unlimited cap blows the competitive balance even further out of whack ... which is a case and 'proof' for why the free agent idea isn't a good one.

Of course, leagues aren't democratic by design. Commish can do what he wants; we decide whether or not to play.


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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostSat Sep 18, 2021 12:30 am

Ideally I would like to see teams created and managed more strictly along franchise lines. Specifically:
1. No trades
2. No Free Agents
3. No priority assignment of players. AD assignments decide who gets who.

So that's my ideal setup. And if I want to do that I'm completely free to set up my own league in the manner I choose. However this is Toine's league, and he is free to do the same, that being set up this league in the manner he chooses. And based on that, I've chosen to participate, for 34 seasons now. And I'm quite happy to continue on for the foreseeable future.

So lets just "Play Ball!!!!" Is it my pick yet?


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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostSat Sep 18, 2021 4:25 pm

Sorry for being MIA; been on the golf course the past 2 days . Pacoboy is in fact correct when he stated in the past I gave ample notice in the past whenever there was rule changes and admittedly I failed to do that this time. Also we have 2 new managers who are very new to Strat this season. So in fairness to the guys picking at the top and also to these new players I think we should try and keep the draft and rules as simple as possible. So I think it's best for everyone if we scrap any rules changes for this season and play the exact same rules as last season. Exception being the salary cap is raised to 145 million and one trade will still be allowed. And no player reassignment.
Apologies to all for any confusion....I will post the draft order tomorrow and let's start draft Monday


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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostSat Sep 18, 2021 8:34 pm

“ Already lost my major trade baits anyway after DED takes the Giants”

Well Done Anthony (squeaky wheel) and and kudos to Dave for Justice served upon himself;
I agreed with the crybaby…I mean the squeaky baby…I mean…the squeaky wheel…Anthony…

rare, I know, but even a broken clock is right twice a day…PLAY BALL!!! DED


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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostSun Sep 19, 2021 1:53 pm

Toine wrote:Sorry for being MIA; been on the golf course the past 2 days . Pacoboy is in fact correct when he stated in the past I gave ample notice in the past whenever there was rule changes and admittedly I failed to do that this time. Also we have 2 new managers who are very new to Strat this season. So in fairness to the guys picking at the top and also to these new players I think we should try and keep the draft and rules as simple as possible. So I think it's best for everyone if we scrap any rules changes for this season and play the exact same rules as last season. Exception being the salary cap is raised to 145 million and one trade will still be allowed. And no player reassignment.
Apologies to all for any confusion....I will post the draft order tomorrow and let's start draft Monday

Well, the franchises picked early generally don't need much help. In addition, the ongoing expansion of the ATG9 player pool has meant that the second franchises available to those picking at the top, teams such as the Angels and Twins, have become better and are more likely to fill whatever minor holes exist for the franchises picked early.

However, the managers picking near the top need help not in having more good players available to them, for, after all, they have first crack at the best franchises with the best players, but in their approach to team building. In DFL 36 I found myself in the unusual position of having the second pick. While I loved having the second pick, it was embarrassing to me how I got there, so I took a hard look in the mirror to examine the reasons so that I could reduce the chances of ever picking so high again. Similarly, managers who consistently pick in the top 6 need to re-evaluate their approach to team building. It's no accident that some managers consistently win while others consistently lose. Yes, luck could play a factor in the short run, but blaming bad luck only serves to absolve oneself from blame for a poor team. Over the course of a season, the luck evens out, and over the course of several seasons, trends emerge that cannot be attributed to luck.

As for the Dave walking back the changes for DFL 37 for lack of prior discussion, fair enough. But I note that some of the changes have been previously discussed and/or implemented. For example, as recently as DFL 31, after some discussion, Dave reassigned numerous players. In case you've forgotten, here's the list:

Toine wrote:We will be playing what I term an "alternate rules" this season. There will be approximately 31 players whose priority rights will be switched to a different team. Almost all of these players have cards for at least 2 different franchises, so their rights have been changed to another franchise. Some players however have only 1 card and if they also were changed it was to a franchise that they played with sometime in their careers. I tried to even things up, if a franchise lost a player, I tried to even things out and get a replacement for their rosters. I will list the changes by franchises below:

The Pirates now have priority rights to: Barry Bonds & Joakim Soria

Mets--Mike Piazza & Jason Bay


Cardinals--Van Slyke, Carbo & Hickman


Angels---Mike Napoli

Baltimore---Frank Robinson & Robbie Alomar

Reds---Seaver & Paul O'Neil

Indians--Juan Encarcion

Marlins----Miguel Cabrera


Cubs----Greg Maddux & Andre Dawson & Bill Henry

Tigers---JD Martinez & Howard Johnson

DBacks---Bernard Gilkey

Texas----Alex Rodriguez

Whitesox---Maglio Ordonez

Dodgers---Garciaparra & Eddie Murray



Giants--Omar Visquel

Phillies---Brad Lidge

As in past seasons; if one of these franchises is not picked then the players rights revert back to a players second franchise; example is that if the Phillies don't get picked Lidge could be claimed by the Astros.

While I certainly understand the "lack of discussion" objection as it relates to making players from unused franchises available in the autodraft, the objection fails to carry the same weight as it applies to player reassignment, as there have been plenty of discussions in the past about player reassignment and the reassignment list is relatively minor for DFL 37, and includes several players that were reassigned in DFL 31:

ARod- Rangers
Greinke- Royals
Ramon Martinez--Pirates
JJ Hardy--Twins

If anybody thinks that taking ARod from the Yankees or Greinke and Martinez from the Dodgers will cause those franchises not to be selected early, I'd be happy to have either franchise with the 12th pick. As Toine noted earlier, the remaining players on the list are stuck behind better players on their respective franchises and are rarely used, but would help the franchises to which they are reassigned. I urge the Commish to reconsider his decision to scrap the reassignment for DFL 37, as there has been plenty of discussion regarding player reassignment in the past, including reassignment of several players on the list.

Lastly, Dave inadvertently misspoke about the SOM experience of the replacement manager I recommended, PJK (Pete). Pete and I were instant friends when we started high school together and have remained close over the years. In our junior year of high school, Pete and I became members of a face to face SOM draft league with other high school friends, all avid baseball fans, which stemmed from a discussion over who among us would make the best MLB manager. The first couple of seasons we drafted a franchise and supplemented it with draft picks from unselected franchises (sound familiar?). Thereafter, it evolved into a live draft of the entire roster, using the seasonal player card set. The draft was always one of the highlights of our season. We played until a year after the majority of us graduated from college. I don't think the argument was ever settled as to who would be the best major league manager.

After a long hiatus from SOM, in 2009 Pete and I discovered online SOM, which was being run by The Sporting News at that time, and we've been playing online ever since, although we are rarely in the same league. So, Pete is not "very new to strat" as Dave stated, but is an experienced player who enjoys not only the game and the competition, but the commaraderie as well. Pete will be a good fit for the DFL.


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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostSun Sep 19, 2021 3:08 pm

First of all, let me assure you Bernie that having the first pick is not something I’m happy about.
Mortified would be a better word.
I know the mistakes I’ve made as well as you do, and I’m back once again to try to correct them.
I don’t know if you were talking about me or not, but the shoe kind of fit, so I’ll just go ahead and own it.

Bernie, you and Anthony both have a point;

I vote for however Dave wants to handle it….. DED


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Re: Dual Franchise League Season 37

PostSun Sep 19, 2021 8:37 pm

For future update ncarnations I am a fan of certain reassignments, especially those in DFL 31. Pirates need all the help they can get. Mets desperately need a catcher. My preference is that they played at some point fir that franchise even if not carded. Preference is older franchise overloaded at a position helping plug cavity’s in franchises often skipped

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