Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

the official tournament of the All-Time Greats VI player set

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mighty moose

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Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostTue Sep 14, 2021 12:25 pm

In the INVITE for the 200 Mil league, I specifically mentioned that I was expecting no more than 24 hours to "mark your team as ready". The penalty was (eventual) removal of your team from the league if you failed to do that. Then of course an email (or two) was sent out to the players letting them know why I removed the team and if you want to get back in, I expect the READY to be enabled immediately.

I did that for three players (so far in Event 6) - all got back in and complied.

I got back the usual "I was busy" - but then I also got some responses that mentioned that - well the league wasn't full yet so I felt I had time. Problem with that is, the league can fill quickly sometimes and then you are off into space (life) and you forget.

Saw a thread over in the ATG forum where someone hated the MARK AS READY kind of leagues. I mentioned where what is the difference between waiting for everyone to load their team and waiting for them to mark their team as ready ?

The INVITES system allows people to quickly reserve their spot to eventually return and prep their team.

I felt that 24 hours was a fair amount of time to give everyone once they had entered the league. You CAN put a team in with NO PLAYERS on the draft list so there is the usual amount of team prep needed as it is if you are prepping a team WITHOUT putting it into the league. (The usual draft list, rankings, stadium)

But we are trying to keep things moving here, people get tired of seeing one person "holding up the draft" and I get tired of seeing it too as I am "watching" all of the leagues and pushing and pushing to get them all to the draft.

We have people that CARE A LOT about the tournament and want to see their draft and we have people that jumped in because it seemed like the "thing to do" as over 200 participants came on board. So there are loads of players who don't have the same sense of urgency about the tournament as you.

I am not really buying the idea that "well the league wasn't full yet", I don't care if you are the ONLY TEAM IN THE LEAGUE - does anyone really need more than 24 hours to mark their team as ready after they load? - This is a battle that we need to focus on as long as our player list is over 200 participants.

My goal is to get all leagues going so I can sit back and catch my breath between events after all the time and hours are spent launching one.

Thoughts ?



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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostTue Sep 14, 2021 12:36 pm

Agree completely. We all know when each even begins. How hard is it to start working on a team a week or so in advance?


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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostTue Sep 14, 2021 1:03 pm

Seems like an issue that affects you more than anyone else so whatever is easiest for you is fine. If it was me I would give the 24 hour notice but probably wouldn't actually enforce it until the league was full and stragglers were actually holding up the draft, as opposed to being unready in an incomplete league. Seems like that would be less work for you and wouldn't really slow things down compared to the alternative of removing unready players from incomplete leagues. But again, you would know better than us. To my mind, yes, 24 hours is reasonable, but being unready for longer than that in a league that isn't full also isn't totally unreasonable.

The Last Druid

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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostTue Sep 14, 2021 11:47 pm

My thought is that it is hard to enforce absolutely reasonable, even generous, deadlines when there is a small cadre of folks who simply don't honor their commitments. I realize that life can at times intervene, particularly with the prototypical participant in their sixties or older. Family issues, health crises etc. But in the absence of adverse life events (or disputes with the Commissioner :roll: ) finishing what one signs up for should be a given. But qualities such as character and honor seem to have fallen by the wayside in today's cultural devolution; thus issues like this are now inevitable.

If there is a solution to this dilemma, it certainly eludes me.


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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostWed Sep 15, 2021 9:30 am

Well the best way to avoid the mark ready to draft rule is not join any league or tournament that allows it. I preferred the Barnstormers tournament more when I could jump in any time I wanted to. Didn't have to wait a day or 2 for people to mark there team ready for draft.
To me IMO only there is no reason to jump in a league if your team is not ready to go. What purpose does it serve to just join a league when you are not ready? In the BS tourney there is only so many invites to each league, you don't need to just enter to hold your spot.
I have created and played in quite few theme type leagues and it's usually the same owners that are always holding up the league.
So like I posted in a different thread, just don't join those types of leagues.


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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostWed Sep 15, 2021 1:22 pm

I do both like and hate the ready for draft button. Yes it can hold your spot for a league that you absolutely want to join. But as mentioned for BS tournament leagues you are assigned your league and that is it, no need to reserve your spot.

I definitely hate having to wait on people to make their team ready, especially if it lingers for days.

The 24 hour rule for BS makes absolute sense to me.

On top of that I love this tournament, even though it is my first time entering it. It makes you try new things and that adds more excitement. I do not however like the giant drop I took during round 4. Another bad round and I will probably lose all chance at making the semi's.

The Last Druid

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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostWed Sep 15, 2021 6:36 pm

What you guys may not realize is that Rick over invites for each auto draft and there are still problems getting leagues to fill. The invite function allows you to enter your team and guarantee your spot in the league, so for that alone it is a useful improvement.

Running this tournament is akin to herding cats, especially in the later events.

A possible palliative might be for SOM to offer a six pack sale for credits at the price of the five pack special, that can only be used for a given iteration of the Barnstormers tour. You get to use all six, but if you drop out before the event finishes any unused credits are simply forfeited.

The carrot and the stick approach to problem solving.


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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostFri Sep 17, 2021 5:51 pm

I think 24 hours is ample time and reasonable. It isn't like we don't know in advance what the format for the tournament is. I typically have my auto-draft teams prepped and ready to go prior to the invite going out (so I can tweak it for as long as I like) and once the league is created and invite sent, it is simply a matter of joining and clicking "ready." It's not like I can't make moves through waivers once I see the rest of the league.


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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostWed Oct 27, 2021 12:16 pm

24 hours is certainly reasonable.
if you are at all concerned about time to work on your team, you can build your team long in advance of the invite, so when the invite comes, you just load your team. I often start building my Barnstormer teams, 2-3 weeks prior.

Every Barnstormer League I have been in, has been held up anywhere from 4-12 days, by one or two owners, not only
is that frustrating, but it means that 10 or 11 owners get held up in limbo.

either build your team within 24 hours of entering the league, or if you have time issues, build your team prior to getting the invite. its not rocket science.

And thanksto Mighty Moose, for trying to solve this. much appreciated.


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Re: Thoughts around "24 hours to ....."

PostThu Nov 04, 2021 9:44 pm

The Last Druid wrote:A possible palliative might be for SOM to offer a six pack sale for credits at the price of the five pack special, that can only be used for a given iteration of the Barnstormers tour. You get to use all six, but if you drop out before the event finishes any unused credits are simply forfeited.

The carrot and the stick approach to problem solving.

Now that is creative thinking. I like it. Whether it would scare off more fence-sitters at the outset than the abandoners late, would be an unknown. But at the least it would seem that the people that plunk down 6 credits all at once would be pretty motivated to play through.

Well Moose, can't say you haven't tried. And truthfully, whether someone puts a team together in advance or not...I mean this is ATG9--if a person can't put a team together within 24 hours, there is a problem...or maybe just a regular in a 20xx or mystery card league or something. ;)

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