2022 Players Championship

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Axlerod Gunderson

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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 9:24 pm

Juiced JC wrote:For what it's worth the Mystery Tournament did a live draft for the finals (12 teams) for the first time this past year. All 12 agreed on a time and used the 365 Live Draft feature. Took 2 hours. Now I can't see this ever working with 36, but something to consider for the final 12 next year. I think it ends up being 12 of the more engaged and attentive players that tend to make the top 12, which makes consensus on a date and time for a draft a little easier.

It’s not a 36 man draft. It’s 3 12 man drafts. 3 separate drafts started at the same time.


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 9:25 pm


You’re suggesting a Mighty Moose level of commitment, which I’m not sure is necessary. Either you care enough to be in the tournament, or you don’t.

You can easily subscribe to any forum thread and get 100% email notifications of any new post.

We used to get into the same nonsensical problems at work. It goes like this:

Do what you’re supposed to do.

Can you send me an email reminder?
Can you ping me with a text that I got an email?
Can you voicemail me that you texted that I got an email?
Can you call me direct (I don’t often check messages) that you texted that I got an email?
Can you…

Either play yes, or play no. Mom shouldn’t need to launch the helicopter to make sure you’re up to speed.


That’s easy to say (esp when you’re not the Commishioner). That means 100 managers play for 10 months only to discover the live draft is on the worst possible day of the year for them.

I like the decisiveness and commitment to a deadline, but I can’t agree with that and I highly doubt any other managers, except for maybe a small minority, will either.

Axlerod Gunderson

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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 9:41 pm

There has to be a commitment to deadlines. I never want to do a draft like this again…


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 9:43 pm

On that we agree entirely.

Juiced JC

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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 9:45 pm

Axlerod Gunderson wrote:It’s not a 36 man draft. It’s 3 12 man drafts. 3 separate drafts started at the same time.

I know that obviously, what I meant was when you go from 12 to 36 total people involved your chances of success in "herding the cats" drops significantly, even if it is 3 separate drafts of 12. I'm also making an assumption that the people that end up in the top 12 are generally more engaged and attentive then the teams that finished 13-36.

Axlerod Gunderson

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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 9:55 pm

I’ve Been in a 24 man league live draft. It took about 4.5 hours but it worked and everyone showed. I believe if we start on the following day at a set time and advertise the time for weeks before the end of the tourney it should work.


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 10:04 pm


I don't think we have all said it enough, but I think we all appreciate the fact that you are not the commissioner of this tourney, but you have gone above and beyond to help out and try to mediate the disputes, etc. Truly, we wouldn't have gotten through this without your insight, patience, and assistance. Thank you very much for being there to help out and listening to everyone!!!



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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 10:10 pm

Not necessary, but thank you. I’m just a recently retired old guy with entirely too much time on his hands. I’ve tried to learn to be quieter, but sometimes I can’t stop myself, despite great effort.


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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 10:21 pm

Axlerod Gunderson wrote:I’ve Been in a 24 man league live draft. It took about 4.5 hours but it worked and everyone showed. I believe if we start on the following day at a set time and advertise the time for weeks before the end of the tourney it should work.


We’ve kind of skipped ahead from autodraft, to select picks to full live draft with hardly a pause.

You have to remember, there’s a big bunch of the community that thinks there is skill in autodrafting, and live drafts are just a crutch for some managers. I think there should be a consensus for live drafts before everyone is required to commit to it. The question is, what is real consensus and what is just more vocal managers trying to be heard?

We tried to poll this last year, and the end result is that no one really cares enough to even respond.

Axlerod Gunderson

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Re: 2022 Players Championship

PostFri Nov 19, 2021 10:33 pm

There is most certainly a skill in autodrafting and a separate skill in live drafting. Live drafts provide a readymade framework to conduct our drafts in an expediate manner so I believe they should be utilized.

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