Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:52 pm
Agreed, placing the top 12 semifinalists in the same league is a major flaw in the semis, and a detriment to the overall integrity of the tournament. It actually penalizes the top 12 semifinalists by making them play the other top 11, plus the bottom 12, for (maybe) a single finals spot.
Ridiculous that the top 12 should have to compete against each other (plus12 others) for only one spot the finals, with no guarantee that any of the top 12 will make it, while 48 lower-ranked teams are GUARANTEED two spots, without even having to play ANY of the 12 top-ranked teams.
So what's the advantage for finishing in the top 12? Exactly NONE. Instead, it's a PENALTY!
Seems like a no-brainer. Fairness requires that teams be seeded evenly into the three leagues, as others have noted above.
Last edited by
mesquiton on Thu Nov 25, 2021 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.