2022 Players Championship Format Poll

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Moderators: Palmtana, mighty moose

2022 Players Championship Format

A. Top 9 get a bye, next 36 play semifinals for additional 3 spots in the Finals.
B. Top 36 play in three 12 team autodrafts (the old tour format)
C. Top 36 play in three 12 team autodrafts with TBD draft picks (this years tour format)
Total votes : 39

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Re: 2022 Players Championship Format Poll

PostMon Nov 29, 2021 11:50 pm

I think what we had before this year was a very content and quiet majority. Then, for whatever reason, there were a few very vocal cries for change.

You might not like the poll question, and you can have very strong opinions about how everything should be. But there’s no getting around that a very large but silent majority just want the straight autodrafts. They don’t want to participate in these discussions and they really don’t want to put on waders and plod through all the blather and nonsense.

I find it ironically funny that the same people who don’t like how 16 votes go in a poll, think they have magical game skillz after playing four autodrafts where half the participants barely bother to show up.

For whoever wants to change the rules for how the tournament runs, it should be incumbent on THEM to demonstrate there’s a call for it. Start your own threads and run your own polls and gather some semblance of support. Until then, we should just leave things alone, and never should have started down this path.

There’s getting to be way too much emotional investment for a bunch of old guys playing a kid’s game, me included.


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Re: 2022 Players Championship Format Poll

PostMon Dec 06, 2021 11:27 pm

I like Scumby's Idea:

"1) eliminate the bonus point system and instead give a point for every win in postseason. (This is one reason points in standings are generally closer in PC than BS)
2) Starting this year have a 3 round draft in Semis like the Finals. (Didn't run smoothly)"

Before this year there was too big of a disparity between little to no advantage for those who finished high in the Standings during the Regular Season; Then all these extra picks for those with higher points in the Finals....


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Re: 2022 Players Championship Format Poll

PostTue Jan 04, 2022 2:32 pm

No "Live" drafting. It was a mess. That is not how "Most" leagues are done. Perhaps one of the rounds could be live draft (lord help us all). But I was not a fan of the 3 round draft.

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