Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSat Dec 25, 2021 9:02 pm

coachprbb wrote:Not defending it in the least. I AM saying it was their nickname, and it really doesn't make any difference.

The second sentence contradicts the first. You are defending the use of the nicknames - in this game- by saying both "it was their nickname" and that it does not make a difference. These are bad arguments but they are arguments in favor of the status quo. If you were not defending the use of the nicknames, you would not say these things.

coachprbb wrote:
By the way both did have darker complexions, but Nig Cuppy was from Bavaria, Germany and the other guy was of Indian descent for lack of a better term from Canada.

Not sure what point you think you are making, but you are arguing that Cuppy did not get his nickname from his skin color, well the sources are not particularly strong, but do ascribe it to that. On the other hand the fact his parents were from Bavaria is not particularly significant. He was not some sort of blonde haired faired skinned guy based on his pictures:

coachprbb wrote:
You are right, it is low hanging fruit, why bother with it? Find something of true importance to change.

Uh I don't think you really understand the meaning f the phrase "low hanging fruit" It means:

Definition of low-hanging fruit
: the obvious or easy things that can be most readily done or dealt with in achieving success or making progress toward an objective

In other words an easy thing to do to help reaching a goal, not a thing you ignore because you don't think it is significant. Here it would be trivial for Strat to make the world just a little less racist, there is no reason not to do it. It will not solve the problems of the world but it would make the world just a little less bad.

coachprbb wrote:Go on be offended, it's what people do these days.

It is not about my offense, it is about taking racist language out of a game.


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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSat Dec 25, 2021 10:12 pm

I have heard black people call other blacks the N word.


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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 4:07 am

Nice to see the "shitposting on Christmas Day about Let's Go Brandon" crowd roll through, always coming correct with valuable contributions to the conversation. Thanks for taking time out of your holiday for us. Shout out as well to the "calling people snowflakes from an alt account" crowd, a courageous variety of keyboard warrior indeed. Complaints about hypersensitivity always ring truer when they come from a grown man too afraid to post those complaints from his main account. And lest we forget, the "other people are upset by dumb things and this upsets me greatly" crowd. We quite literally couldn't have this lovely culture war without you. Whichever flavor of shitlord you may be (there's admittedly a fair amount of overlap), Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 4:46 am

MEAT wrote:"Nig| Clarke's birthname is NIGEL

I love it just make shit up as long as it serves your narrative. His name was not Nigel. It was a racist term used in pre integrated baseball used by the press to describe white players with dark complexions.

Richard Kimble

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 8:51 am

The innocuous phrase "Let's Go Brandon" somehow causes an unhinged rant in the middle of the night. Might want to reflect on why Instead of complaining about others.


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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 2:46 pm

austinmdavidson wrote:Nice to see the "shitposting on Christmas Day about Let's Go Brandon" crowd roll through, always coming correct with valuable contributions to the conversation. Thanks for taking time out of your holiday for us. Shout out as well to the "calling people snowflakes from an alt account" crowd, a courageous variety of keyboard warrior indeed. Complaints about hypersensitivity always ring truer when they come from a grown man too afraid to post those complaints from his main account. And lest we forget, the "other people are upset by dumb things and this upsets me greatly" crowd. We quite literally couldn't have this lovely culture war without you. Whichever flavor of shitlord you may be (there's admittedly a fair amount of overlap), Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Good post Karen

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:31 pm

DavidRossman wrote:SOM needs to create a ATG Snowflake set for the perpetually offended. Nameless cards so you Karens are not offended. Also replace Right and Left with something politically neutral.

Perpetually offended snowflakes? " Nig" literally is short for N!GGER!... So if you are fine with that word, you can call me a snowflake (although good luck saying to my face) and I will call you a BIGOT.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:34 pm

tombar3 wrote:I have heard black people call other blacks the N word.

I have jokingly called my wife a b!tch, does that make it okay to call your wife the same?

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:36 pm

MEAT wrote:"Nig| Clarke's birthname is NIGEL

So you are a liar and a bigot. Classy.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:39 pm

When not calling someone "Nig", ( short for N!GGER) is controversial, you know you are with some really despicable and desperate bigots.

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