Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

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The Last Druid

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:41 pm

Ah, I was going to stay away from this thread but it appears that Mr. Schimpf and I are actually in agreement about something. That alone warrants my responding to this thread.

There are a lot of nicknames for ballplayers throughout the history of the game. Some were definitely racial slurs that are, in retrospect, particularly appalling. Lots of darker complected players were given derisive nicknames, including Babe Ruth. Nig Clark was certainly not named Nigel and the nickname was absolutely a derogating reference to his skin color.

So many nicknames were just mean spirited. Arguably, locker room humor run amok. One that really bothers me personally is KiKi Cuyler. The man was shy and retiring and stuttered which is how that moniker arose. Pure meanness.

One could also argue that baseball back then was closer to warfare where heckling the opposing players was just a pervasive part of the game, and any perceived difference was fair game for heckling. And then, as Hittmen's correctly notes, the sports writers were also nstrumental in assigning, often brutal, nicknames to players, just to sell papers.

But these nicknames are what they are. I don't support the cancel culture that has taken hold in our country and its ties to CRT, which is just socially re-engineered Marxism, and is designed to inculcate self-hatred in Caucasians and promote social divisiveness.

There is great danger in attempting to cancel history, as Santayana cogently pointed out. From that perspective, it seems to me, most important to recognize and acknowledge that history, and learn from mistakes that were made. So no, it is not time to reinvent the past by doing away with historical nicknames that are generally deemed offensive by today's standards, but which particularly enrage the would be cultural revisionists.
Last edited by The Last Druid on Sun Dec 26, 2021 8:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:44 pm

coachprbb wrote:Y'all worry about the dumbest you even know why they have those nicknames? Seriously who really cares?


Nig is short for the most offensive word in the English language. It is meant to degrade and dehumanize people.

But I get it, you are a tough guy who thinks mean names should not hurt people...

I wonder if you would feel that way if I said something degrading and dehumanizing about your wife, daughter, son or mom?

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:46 pm

It wasn't just locker room humor, many of these nicknames were chosen by newspaper reporters...

And look 100 years later we are still using these degrading and dehumanizing names.

Shame on anyone who thinks this is okay.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:53 pm

Droid, give it a rest already. You couldn't define CRT if your life depended on it (obviously).

What we call CRT, the rest of the world calls history.

Do the Germans not teach about the NAZIS because they worry German people will hate themselves???? That's a serious question??? Who's the snowflake now when you can't even abide someone else teaching or learning about history.

Also, when you say, " CANCEL CULTURE " what you really mean is FREE MARKETS AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 6:59 pm

What is your solution to so called, " Cancel Culture "?

Would you make a law that says companies can not change the names of their products?

Would you make it illegal for companies to hire and fire who they see fit to help their bottom line?

Would you make it illegal for companies to fire someone who reflects badly on their company?

Seriously, what's your solution to this so called, " cancel culture " problem?

Maybe you would cancel the cancelers? Would you pass a bill that prohibits businesses from hiring and firing who they please? Would you cancel our free market place of ideas and products?

What is your solution to this imaginary problem?

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 7:11 pm

It never gets old taking the king of the bigoted boomers to the woodshed whether it's in a debate ( are we really debating whether NIG is okay?) or in a league....

Dude played the same set 2000 times, and still can't beat me. Imagine if he played a set, we've both never played. It would get ugly really fast, just like his justification for dehumanizing nicknames with nonsensical Trumpist buzz words .


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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 7:15 pm

Radagast Brown wrote:
DavidRossman wrote:SOM needs to create a ATG Snowflake set for the perpetually offended. Nameless cards so you Karens are not offended. Also replace Right and Left with something politically neutral.

Perpetually offended snowflakes? " Nig" literally is short for N!GGER!... So if you are fine with that word, you can call me a snowflake (although good luck saying to my face) and I will call you a BIGOT.

You are the only one who equate Nig with a racial slur. I suppose Ni and N are also the same. This thread is insane. We are playing a dice/computer game. Please GTFO out of here. All of you "Snowflakes" and Karens.

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 7:25 pm

The Last Druid wrote:Ah, I was going to stay away from this thread but it appears that Mr. Schimpf and I are actually in agreement about something. That alone warrants my responding to this thread.

There are a lot of nicknames for ballplayers throughout the history of the game. Some were definitely racial slurs that are, in retrospect, particularly appalling. Lots of darker complected players were given derisive nicknames, including Babe Ruth. Nig Clark was certainly not named Nigel and the nickname was absolutely a derogating reference to his skin color.

So many nicknames were just mean spirited. Arguably, locker room humor run amok. One that really bothers me personally is KiKi Cuyler. The man was shy and retiring and stuttered which is how that moniker arose. Pure meanness.

One could also argue that baseball back then was closer to warfare where heckling the opposing players was just a pervasive part of the game, and any perceived difference was fair game for heckling.

But these nicknames are what they are. I don't support the cancel culture that has taken hold in our country and its ties to CRT, which is just socially re-engineered Marxism, and is designed to inculcate self-hatred in Caucasians and promote social divisiveness.

There is great danger in attempting to cancel history, as Santayana cogently pointed out. From that perspective, it seems to me, most important to recognize and acknowledge that history, and learn from mistakes that were made. So no, it is not time to reinvent the past by doing away with historical nicknames that are generally deemed offensive by today's standards, but which particularly enrage the would be cultural revisionists.

The Droid even admits the nicknames come from a reprehensible place of bigotry. But heaven forbid we be classy enough to evolve and be nice because he's more worried about "CANCEL CULTURE".... Something for which he can't define and has no answers for....

What "CRT" has to do with this only a bigoted boomer could answer....By the way, in other countries CRT is known by its more common name," history"..

Do the Germans not teach about the Holocaust because they worry about little Hans' feelings?...

And somehow we're the " snowflakes "??? Okay guy....

But I would love to hear your solution for this heinous " cancel culture "..... Maybe out law free markets???


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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 7:43 pm

Richard Kimble wrote:The innocuous phrase "Let's Go Brandon" somehow causes an unhinged rant in the middle of the night. Might want to reflect on why Instead of complaining about others.

Who's complaining? I'm here to spread Christmas cheer and celebrate the diverse array of shitlords this community has on offer. Every shitlord is a child of God, after all. Especially the ones who are presumably actual children, as evidenced by their needing a fun secret code in order to say "Fuck the President" instead of just saying the naughty phrase itself. It's very encouraging to see you youngsters take an interest in Strat!

Radagast Brown

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Re: Is it time to do away with the offensive nicknames?

PostSun Dec 26, 2021 7:47 pm

The Last Druid wrote:Ah, I was going to stay away from this thread but it appears that Mr. Schimpf and I are actually in agreement about something. That alone warrants my responding to this thread.

There are a lot of nicknames for ballplayers throughout the history of the game. Some were definitely racial slurs that are, in retrospect, particularly appalling. Lots of darker complected players were given derisive nicknames, including Babe Ruth. Nig Clark was certainly not named Nigel and the nickname was absolutely a derogating reference to his skin color.

So many nicknames were just mean spirited. Arguably, locker room humor run amok. One that really bothers me personally is KiKi Cuyler. The man was shy and retiring and stuttered which is how that moniker arose. Pure meanness.

One could also argue that baseball back then was closer to warfare where heckling the opposing players was just a pervasive part of the game, and any perceived difference was fair game for heckling.

But these nicknames are what they are. I don't support the cancel culture that has taken hold in our country and its ties to CRT, which is just socially re-engineered Marxism, and is designed to inculcate self-hatred in Caucasians and promote social divisiveness.

There is great danger in attempting to cancel history, as Santayana cogently pointed out. From that perspective, it seems to me, most important to recognize and acknowledge that history, and learn from mistakes that were made. So no, it is not time to reinvent the past by doing away with historical nicknames that are generally deemed offensive by today's standards, but which particularly enrage the would be cultural revisionists.

I get it. You are cranky and upset and change scares you. So how about helping me understand your point?

What is "cancel culture"?

When Fox News fired Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes and Eric Bolling for having to payout nearly 100 million dollars to sexual assault victims, IS THAT "CANCEL CULTURE"?...

Or is that a corporation deciding those employees no longer help their bottom line?

How about when Quaker changes the name of "Aunt Jemima" so they can offend less customers and sell more products, is that CANCEL CULTURE?...

I know it makes you angry that the world can't stay exactly the same as it was in the 1950s, when you were coming of age. So help me out,
WHAT IS CANCEL CULTURE? And most importantly, what can we do about it?

Help me to understand, so I won't ruffle so many of these old guys' feathers. Can you do that?

Can you explain these words and terms you are using? It would be a big help, so maybe then we can be in the same book ( preferably a dictionary) if not on the same page....

You think you can do that for me?? Or maybe just cancel me? That might be easier, huh?

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