Come Join Private League...24 combo league

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Main Line Expos

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Come Join Private League...24 combo league

PostThu Jan 06, 2022 10:52 am

This league is a series of preset hitting and pitching MLB combinations.

They are ranked by best to worst pitching rosters matched to worst to best hitting rosters. Using expansion rosters only. $100 million cap. Random assignment of teams.

There are more combinations than owners so there remains the option to opt out of the team you get and selection one of the 6 unused combinations.

Come Join...

Main Line Expos

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Re: Come Join Private League...24 combo league

PostThu Jan 06, 2022 10:53 am

24 team league
ATG 1901+ (EXP) era only .. NO PLAYERS FROM POST, PRE, DB
Auto League .. no waivers
100m cap with DH

Listed below are pre-sorted combinations of the 30 teams in ATG 1901+ (EXP) era. Bracketology was used to determine pairings. (#1 Pitching with #30 hitting etc.)

Team roster will be from .. Cities pitching ONLY .. team nicknames hitting ONLY

After the league is full, owners will be assigned (using random generator) one of the dual franchise teams from the list below. There will be 6 dual franchise teams that go that go unselected. If you don't like your assignment you can declare a new franchise from one of the 6 left over and drop/add players accordingly. After your team is assigned and roster is finalized, hit READY FOR DRAFT.

Please include the city and nickname in your team name to avoid duplicates

(1/30) Los Angeles Rays
(2/29) Montreal White Sox
(3/28) Houston Mariners
(4/27) Atlanta Diamondbacks
(5/26) Cleveland Padres
(6/25) NYM Marlins
(7/24) NYY Rangers
(8/23) California Blue Jays
(9/22) Chicago (NL) Angels
(10/21) Philadelphia Cubs
(11/20) Boston Tigers
(12/19) Detroit Braves
(13/18) San Francisco Royals
(14/17) Kansas City Dodgers
(15/16) Cincinnati Twins
(16/15) Oakland Phillies
(17/14) Milwaukee Orioles
(18/13) St. Louis Mets
(19/12) San Diego A's
(20/11) Seattle Pirates
(21/10) Chicago (AL) Expos/Nats
(22/9) Florida Rockies
(23/8) Tampa Bay Brewers
(24/7) Texas Astros
(25/6) Toronto Giants
(26/5) Minnesota Red Sox
(27/4) Baltimore Indians
(28/3) Arizona Cardinals
(29/2) Pittsburgh Yankees
(30/1) Colorado Reds

In order that owners/GMs can have some degree of predictability and eliminate the need for owners to rank and strategically protect players, if a player has played for more than one EXP team, the team with the most expensive card has exclusive access to them. I.E.

Kansas City Dodgers would have exclusive rights to Mike Piazza (1997 9.61m) over the St. Louis Mets (2000 7.30m)
Montreal White Sox would have exclusive rights to Pedro Martinez (1997 11.95m) over the Boston Tigers (2000 11.17m)

Owners that have players from overlapping eras (i.e. Frank Robinson) MUST use his EXP card .. not POST

EXCEPTION: If the KC Dodgers are 1 of the 6 teams omitted in the team selection process, the St. Louis Mets could pick up Piazza as a FA using his 2000 Mets card only.

In order to avoid a messy drop/add process, owners with players with a lower value card should not even put them on the draft board. I.E. The STL Mets should not attempt to draft Piazza. They'd only need to drop him after the draft anyway.

TRADES are allowed but the acquired players must have and use a card from the acquiring team. I would allow the Dodgers to trade Piazza to the Mets.

If a team cannot fill a certain position (Marlins won't have a "true" 1B but must use Conine) , you may use a 750k player from 1 of the 4 teams not selected. Please contact me for prior approval. This is meant to be a last


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Re: Come Join Private League...24 combo league

PostThu Jan 06, 2022 9:07 pm

Has the league been created? I'd be interested in trying it out.

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