2021 Players Championship Finals Discussion

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals

PostThu Jan 27, 2022 6:13 pm

Honestly, there is a lot of luck involved. Any of the finalists can take home the crown. And I'll be picking the scraps at end of each round during the live draft. Although, I will get a good glimpse at what the rest of the league is doing. Anyway, I'm looking forward to one more 2021 league against some very formidable competition.


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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals

PostThu Jan 27, 2022 6:29 pm

Once we figure out the draft order, can someone also post the divisions. I took a quick look around but didn't see how they get set for the Finals. Probably there but I'm guessing someone knows it for sure. Thanks.


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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals

PostThu Jan 27, 2022 7:44 pm


Juiced JC

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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals

PostThu Jan 27, 2022 9:24 pm

Maybe I should just be waiting for Mr BBW, but in the hopes of moving us to the draft here is an update on what I believe to be our standings:

1. moodysix 394+97+1=492
2. jsanders3rd 399+85+1=485
3. Jeepdriver 371+88+8=467
4. DHowser 363+95+8=466
5. bob711 365+91+7=463
6. Lochinvars 362+91+7=460
7. waynick 362+92+2=456 (wins tie breaker with 1 championship, 2 finals appearance)
8. ScumbyJr 356+98+2=456 (loses tie breaker with 1 championship, 1 finals appearance)
9. DERRICKSANSON 364+82+8=454 (wins tie breaker over JC/Ducks with 2 championships)
10. Juiced JC 367+86+1=454 (wins tie breaker with 1 championship, 2 finals appearances, 4 playoff appearances, +378 best 4 teams)
11. GoDucks 363+86+5=454 (loses tie breaker with 1 championship, 2 finals appearances, 4 playoff appearances, +293 best 4 teams)
12. hendrix08 368+82+1=451

I am assuming here that all 6 teams are used in the tie breakers.

Mr Baseball World

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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals

PostThu Jan 27, 2022 11:35 pm

Sorry long work day. Will review and get us started shortly. My hope is a quick draft done within a couple of days. I would like everyone to state a preference between a Monday start date or three days after the draft runs


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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals Discussion

PostFri Jan 28, 2022 12:49 am

Three days after the draft runs is my preference


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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals Discussion

PostFri Jan 28, 2022 8:15 am

Three days after is my preference as well.

Juiced JC

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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals Discussion

PostFri Jan 28, 2022 8:20 am

I vote for 3 days after.


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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals Discussion

PostFri Jan 28, 2022 8:43 am

I vote for Monday, if it is longer than three days after. Whichever is longer.


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Re: 2021 Players Championship Finals Discussion

PostFri Jan 28, 2022 8:48 am

Three days after.

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