Mon Jan 31, 2022 12:23 pm
We have two Proposed rule changes.
Important Note! As of the date on this post: Stadium Changes will not be permitted until the rule has been re-established.
This round of voting is to determine if the league wants to change the following current rules:
If the required 8 votes to change a rule is achieved, then we will have a 2nd round of voting after a period of time
to discuss the desired changes. Please consult recent NSKL emails for some ideas on why these two proposals have been made and also the general idea of what the rules will become.
1. Proposal to reduce the length of time required to keep a stadium before you can change your stadium.
Current Rule:
Team can change stadiums, but they can only be changed a maximum of once in three years (6 seasons). The stadium change must be made when there is no season in progress. Changes can be made first come, first served, by posting a notice on the message board. Players may trade stadiums with other players at any time except while a season is in progress (after the three year period has expired).
Yes - We should reduce the 3 year requirement, because the Ball park numbers are fluctuating to a high degree. (Options discussed so far have been a 1 year or 2 year wait and we may also decide that we will only be permitted to change stadiums prior to the Free Agent Draft as was conducted during the leagues initial FA Draft as noted in the league rules.)
No - Keep it at 3 years.
Bill V - Yes (2 year)
Brad T -
Jay W -
John O - Yes (2 year)
John T -
Neil D -
Rick A - Yes
Rick P -
Roger Z - No
Steve D -
Ted M - Yes
Victor L -
2. Replace the required amount of AB (150) for a Batter to play a full season of games with a specified # of Plate Appearances.
Current Rule:
September Call-Ups rule: Batters that have less than 150 AB may not be used before game 133.
Yes - Use Plate Appearances (PA). Requiring obtaining this stat from Baseball-Reference or other Baseball site.
(Options discussed using 150 PA which would allow more players to play a full season or using 170 PA which would
keep the number of September Call-Up players about the same.)
No - Keep using 150 AB
Bill V - No
Brad T -
Jay W -
John O - Yes (170 PA)
John T -
Neil D -
Rick A - No
Rick P -
Roger Z - No
Steve D -
Ted M - Yes (170 PA)
Victor L -