Drafting Pitching

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Drafting Pitching

PostSun Feb 27, 2022 7:44 pm

As a newbie to 365, but an old guy who started playing SOM before the Advanced Game came out - query:

What do most folks rely on in drafting pitching? WHIP, ERA, WLs, or something else?


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Re: Drafting Pitching

PostMon Feb 28, 2022 1:24 pm

I look for low WHIP, but I like to play more in pitchers parks.
I guess there's a good case to go with low ERA pitchers if you're in a hitters park.
Overall though, since it's mystery card...I like to try pitchers with lower salaries who have 1 or 2 really nice cards.
There are sub 1mil pitchers worth giving tryouts to who hav at least 1 very good card.
Hopefully that helps.


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Re: Drafting Pitching

PostWed Mar 02, 2022 3:31 am

bcaietti wrote:As a newbie to 365, but an old guy who started playing SOM before the Advanced Game came out - query:

What do most folks rely on in drafting pitching? WHIP, ERA, WLs, or something else?

I use WHIP as a guide along with the homeruns per innings pitched ratio. ERA is a poor guide. I've seen some dreadful cards for pitchers with good ERAs. Also, I look at each and every year for a pitcher I'm considering. Some pitchers have good WHIPs, but their card doesn't really reflect it.


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Re: Drafting Pitching

PostFri Mar 04, 2022 4:38 pm

coyote303 wrote:
bcaietti wrote:As a newbie to 365, but an old guy who started playing SOM before the Advanced Game came out - query:

What do most folks rely on in drafting pitching? WHIP, ERA, WLs, or something else?

I use WHIP as a guide along with the homeruns per innings pitched ratio. ERA is a poor guide. I've seen some dreadful cards for pitchers with good ERAs. Also, I look at each and every year for a pitcher I'm considering. Some pitchers have good WHIPs, but their card doesn't really reflect it.

You have to keep the off the bases to limit rallies. In the mystery format this can be difficult. Lots of guys roll through lower priced guys looking for gold. It makes it tough because you team can be good the first half of the season and then tank since the other teams have improved. If you see some bum pitching late in the season you can be pretty sure he is rolling against a good card.

I probably stay with pitchers too long, but they are funny. LHP are really only good if the are reverse ones since they face almost all RHH. Hard RHP can do pretty good for some reason.

I agree there are some really good one hit wonders out there, some with maybe two too 40 hits. RP is even worse. I think you need to go cheap .
Posted by the real YountFan


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Re: Drafting Pitching

PostSat Mar 05, 2022 8:08 am

once the season starts you have to be mindful that your pitcher stats will generally be worse than the ERA/WHIPs on the card. It's because the pitchers are facing a stronger lineup in Strat than they would be in real life. So I like to compare their season stats relative to the league averages. For example, Stottlemyre was on his 1971 card, 1.12 WHIP, pitching in Yankee stadium, a pitchers park. His WHIP that season was 1.27. so it looks worse, but the league average was 1.47 and only 8 pitchers had sub 1.30 WHIPs,he was 6th. It's all relative.


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Re: Drafting Pitching

PostSat Mar 05, 2022 11:52 am

Incidentally, for those who responded with mystery-league-related advice: I'm in an ATG9 league with the OP... so I'm guessing he posted in this section by mistake, as people sometimes do. He likely just needs advice for normal leagues.


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Re: Drafting Pitching

PostSat Mar 05, 2022 12:27 pm

I was asking the question generally for all seasons - mystery and otherwise. Just picking the brains - and I appreciate all the responses - of those with far greater experience at 365. Thanks again for the responses as they are much appreciated. Bob

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