Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Feb 10, 2022 2:44 pm

Ninersphan wrote:Man Plans, God laughs...

Yet again I find my life is about to get turned upside down. My wife has been promoted and her new position will result in us moving...


Those that have known me a long time on this site should know that this will be my 4th move since Online Start started and my 6th over all in my married life (I'm convinced I'll have a mortgage until I'm dead. :shock: )

My wife starts March 1 and our goal is to be moved to our new city by April 1st. We may move again shortly after that depending on whether we buy or rent to start.

This is all a long way of saying I may be BUSY during draft season this year. Still planning on participating, just giving fair warning.

Congrats on your wife's promotion, Bill. This is a much better "upside down" turn than what you dealt with last spring. I hope your daughter is doing well now. Where are you moving? I just moved from Sarasota FL to Boston, so I totally get the hassle that moving can be. We're renting now too, so another move is imminent, I'm sure! I'm just taking life on life's terms. If you need proxies or an email / text as to who might be available, I'm almost always on my computer, so don't be shy. Best wishes!!


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Feb 10, 2022 4:15 pm

seanreflex wrote:
Congrats on your wife's promotion, Bill. This is a much better "upside down" turn than what you dealt with last spring. I hope your daughter is doing well now. Where are you moving? I just moved from Sarasota FL to Boston, so I totally get the hassle that moving can be. We're renting now too, so another move is imminent, I'm sure! I'm just taking life on life's terms. If you need proxies or an email / text as to who might be available, I'm almost always on my computer, so don't be shy. Best wishes!!


In order:

Thanks!! Yes, I whole HEARTEDLY agree! My daughter is doing great. She's back to being a normal 20 year old college student looking forward to turning 21 in a few weeks. We are moving from Greensboro NC to Roanoke VA, about and hour and 1/2 north from where we live now. Thanks, for the proxy help, I suspect I may need it.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Feb 10, 2022 8:42 pm

Ninersphan wrote:
seanreflex wrote:
Congrats on your wife's promotion, Bill. This is a much better "upside down" turn than what you dealt with last spring. I hope your daughter is doing well now. Where are you moving? I just moved from Sarasota FL to Boston, so I totally get the hassle that moving can be. We're renting now too, so another move is imminent, I'm sure! I'm just taking life on life's terms. If you need proxies or an email / text as to who might be available, I'm almost always on my computer, so don't be shy. Best wishes!!


In order:

Thanks!! Yes, I whole HEARTEDLY agree! My daughter is doing great. She's back to being a normal 20 year old college student looking forward to turning 21 in a few weeks. We are moving from Greensboro NC to Roanoke VA, about and hour and 1/2 north from where we live now. Thanks, for the proxy help, I suspect I may need it.

I'm very happy to hear your daughter is doing great. Also congratulations on your wife's promotion.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Mar 10, 2022 6:03 pm

As I’m sure everyone knows by now, cards are out.

Sean has been awesome and been keeping league spread sheet up to date.
I’m finally getting back into looking at Strat now.

I know for myself and a couple others the rest of the month is still pretty hectic.
I’m thinking April might be where we are at before we really get started in this league.

Trade talk welcome!

Take care.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Mar 10, 2022 6:20 pm

Roscodog wrote:As I’m sure everyone knows by now, cards are out.

Sean has been awesome and been keeping league spread sheet up to date.
I’m finally getting back into looking at Strat now.

I know for myself and a couple others the rest of the month is still pretty hectic.
I’m thinking April might be where we are at before we really get started in this league.

Trade talk welcome!

Take care.

I will get the "Available Hitters" and "Available Pitchers" tabs updated and added to the league spreadsheet this weekend.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Mar 10, 2022 6:50 pm

April would CERTAINLY be whole heartedly endorsed by me as start time.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostThu Mar 17, 2022 3:40 pm

We are going to kick things off in early April, per Roscodog's instructions.

I will be getting a FKKL Drops thread started this weekend. We'll look to have all drops entered by 3/31. I'll update the Available Player list once all drops are in, and we can start the draft early April.

Some reminders:

1. All Prospects that are listed in the "Y1 PROSPECT" section on the Google sheet roster need to be either promoted, traded or cut. Please include instructions for these prospects when you post your drops.

2. You need to drop down to 30 players (not including prospects) for the draft.

3. This league is: $999 MM salary, DH, Unleashed Set

Look for the drop post on Saturday. Thank you.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostSat Mar 19, 2022 11:04 pm

Reminder to all. Due to that little covid issue we dealt with for a couple year, prospects gained a year of eligibility. This year the rent comes due however. Some of us may have more prospects and prospect picks than we can carry.

for example; I have 8 prospects that have to be promoted in 2023 but I also have 3 prospect picks this year. That means since we are only allowed to carry 10 prospects I will be one over the limit.

I will have to drop, promote or trade a 2023 prospect (or trade a 2022 pick) in order to be compliant prior to start of prospect draft.


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostSat Mar 19, 2022 11:16 pm

Roscodog wrote:Reminder to all. Due to that little covid issue we dealt with for a couple year, prospects gained a year of eligibility. This year the rent comes due however. Some of us may have more prospects and prospect picks than we can carry.

for example; I have 8 prospects that have to be promoted in 2023 but I also have 3 prospect picks this year. That means since we are only allowed to carry 10 prospects I will be one over the limit.

I will have to drop, promote or trade a 2023 prospect (or trade a 2022 pick) in order to be compliant prior to start of prospect draft.

Rosco, in your situation above, couldn’t you keep your 8 subs, and then draft only 2 prospects this year, not using your 3rd pick? Or are you saying that you HAVE TO drop one of your prospects?


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Re: Finders Keepers Keeper League Chat

PostSun Mar 20, 2022 12:14 am

seanreflex wrote:
Roscodog wrote:Reminder to all. Due to that little covid issue we dealt with for a couple year, prospects gained a year of eligibility. This year the rent comes due however. Some of us may have more prospects and prospect picks than we can carry.

for example; I have 8 prospects that have to be promoted in 2023 but I also have 3 prospect picks this year. That means since we are only allowed to carry 10 prospects I will be one over the limit.

I will have to drop, promote or trade a 2023 prospect (or trade a 2022 pick) in order to be compliant prior to start of prospect draft.

Rosco, in your situation above, couldn’t you keep your 8 subs, and then draft only 2 prospects this year, not using your 3rd pick? Or are you saying that you HAVE TO drop one of your prospects?

you are correct Sean, the extra pick(s) could be forfeit if the manger so wished.

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