BR value in Diamond Dope

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BR value in Diamond Dope

PostMon Mar 21, 2022 11:24 am

Does anyone know how this is calculated?


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Re: BR value in Diamond Dope

PostMon Mar 21, 2022 3:58 pm

I think it is a NERP calculation (New Estimated Run Production). About 8 to 10 years ago there was a quite extensive discussion in the Strategy section about it--I will see if I cand find it and put a link here.

This is the article I remember, but it includes the negative aspect (offense allowed) of the player from fielding also. The NERP formula is provided near the top of the article. ... efense.pdf

Searching for "nerp" in the front page of this index (not in strategy section) will give some of the past links of discussions here.

One thing I will say is Diamond dope calculation is not the same as the ratings in the strategy guide, but it is derived from those ratings and still a useful way of comparing two hitters in a given park--


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Re: BR value in Diamond Dope

PostMon Mar 21, 2022 4:34 pm

The link is very interesting, thanks!

And, smh, the formula for BR is on the help page of DD......... :oops:

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