Tue Mar 29, 2022 1:45 pm
To answer your question, I don't think many teams would benefit from setting no relief pitcher roles. I've experimented with leaving everything blank a few times and HAL's management was really bad. Using those roles, even now that they are limited to 2 per pitcher will help you funnel more innings to your higher paid relievers.
This online game is a strange mishmash of baseball simulation and trying out deeply understand and outwit the AI.
I think SOM feels it has a sort of obligation to make the game results and stats as close to real MLB as it's practically possible because that's really where they have historically made their name. People here have very differing viewpoints on that obligation as many don't care one single iota about being "realistic", it really more like super complicated game of chess and optimizing the chess pieces and their movements (and winning) is the challenge. With bullpen logic, in the Major Leagues there is some real motivation to minimize overuse of your bullpen assets--last year, for example, no MLB reliever pitched over 84 innings. In this game, if I pay 6 million for a reliever, I want him out there every damn game to get my money's worth. And those 50 cent guys can ride the pine and never pitch even if that other guy's arm falls off. So, SOM has a difficult balancing act to _force_ us armchair GMs to make sub-optimal decisions for motivations that really don't have a tangible benefit for an online game.
That being said, I don't think SOMs obligation to realistic outcomes is entirely misplaced. The less like real baseball this becomes, the harder it is for newcomers to jump in, or when they do, the successful teams look nothing like a real MLB baseball team and they quickly lose interest. However, with so many variable in play, coming up with changes that everyone will like is nearly impossible.