ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostMon Apr 04, 2022 9:24 am

If you don't like playing against teams in extreme parks, you have lots of choices:

a) you can set up your own league and restrict the stadiums
b) you can grin and bear it
c) You can complain and moan but still continue to attempt to compete
d) you can quit STRAT and work in an Amazon warehouse
e) you can do research and do your homework, create player rankings/spreadsheets with stadium factors, and adjust your pitching/hitting to address your own ballpark and the ballpark averages of the league


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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostMon Apr 04, 2022 8:33 pm

I especially enjoy the idea that deleting a few of the extreme parks would solve the "problem." All that would do would anoint a new handful of parks as the most extreme. Then those would need to be deleted, then the next most extreme, until everyone is playing in Veterans 10/10/10/10.

Folks the reason the extreme parks are popular is because the player salaries cannot be set according to the most extreme parks, therefore the most extreme parks create the most opportunities for arbitrage. So if you're upset about the popularity of extreme parks, you're actually upset about other managers playing the game on a higher level than you.


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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostMon Apr 04, 2022 11:41 pm

MaxPower wrote:If you're upset about the popularity of extreme parks, you're actually upset about other managers playing the game on a higher level than you.

Well.bearing in mind that It really makes no difference to me what people do with their $20, I have to say that I don’t really think it’s a “higher level” of play to stack a lineup for a particular ballpark, especially with such a deep pool of players. You’d be foolish not to build according to park, which real teams do and have done (remember those rug burners St. Louis had under Whitey?). It’s hard not to double take every time I see one, though. It seems to say “I don’t care about anything that happens outside my own park,” which seems a bit shortsighted (or at least risky, especially if you’re an outlier).

On a related note, when I first ran the Randomination league, in which managers get assigned, random parks, and have a limited player pool, we had one manager who drew Veterans 10 one year, and another, similar park the season before. He managed to field great teams both times. It was so rare as to be noteworthy, because you just don’t see parks like that much - nearly never, outside theme leagues.

I guess the worst criticism one could level here is that it gets monotonous to see the same old shit every time. But, again, it’s the manager’s money. They can approach the game how they want. And if you see something enough, you can devise ways to work against it. I actually think those high average Forbes teams are tougher to deal with, since they’re not power dependent, and it’s really hard to keep those mother scratchers off base in almost any park.


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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostTue Apr 05, 2022 12:40 am

Forbes is an extreme park. And yes, hard to counter.


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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostTue Apr 05, 2022 4:22 am

It comes down to simple math.
Maximize the results in your own park.
Then Modify your lineups and pitching staffs to address the teams and stadiums in your division,
And the rest of the league— by establishing an average ball park based on those
Sometimes you can be in a small ball park and have 9 power parks in the league — or sometimes 2 or three.
For example—So if you are in a small ball park, and there are lots of power teams in the league,
And you have Tris Speaker, you will want to use his best power card ( I have
Had that card hit 30 HRs) If there are lots of small ball parks, you will want
To use the cheaper Speaker card that doesn’t have much power,
But has that huge OBP.
Each league has a different stadium makeup, and by making adjustments accordingly,
You can optimize your results


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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostTue Apr 05, 2022 11:59 pm

Bunch of 5m+ R1 closers and we can't even get a "don't use before the 9th" setting. :roll: thats about as much of a swing and miss as you can have, by the brains behind the changes.


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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostWed Apr 06, 2022 5:37 am

nevdully's wrote:Bunch of 5m+ R1 closers and we can't even get a "don't use before the 9th" setting. :roll: thats about as much of a swing and miss as you can have, by the brains behind the changes.



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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostWed Apr 06, 2022 11:27 am

nomadbrad wrote:
nevdully's wrote:Bunch of 5m+ R1 closers and we can't even get a "don't use before the 9th" setting. :roll: thats about as much of a swing and miss as you can have, by the brains behind the changes.



Also, agree with the initial post- am not a fan of the double hit on RPs- meaning they both raised salaries AND restricted innings- as Nev said elsewhere, ONE or THE OTHER would've been okay, but definitely NOT BOTH.

PS- Learning how to win in one of the non-extreme stadiums, meaning maybe a mid-level power righty or lefty leaning park, or maybe a more even stadium is a great challenge-
something I love to do, even though it might hurt the overall record- for me, more fun.


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Re: ATG 8 vs ATG 9 - After 2 years playing experience

PostSat Apr 09, 2022 5:33 pm

MaxPower wrote:Forbes is an extreme park. And yes, hard to counter.

Exactly. I ended up with Forbes in a random stadium league. Slappers and runners. I’m in a tough division, so it’s down to the last series to see if I can grab the WC. One of those things. All of us would be at the top of the other divisions.

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