POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

Moderator: Palmtana

Revert to ATG8 Pitching or Keep As is?

A - ATG9 is great and should proceed AS-IS.
B - ATG9 would be better if we reverted back to the ATG8 pitching engine and bullpen options, but keep the ATG9 price increases to discourage over use of relievers.
Total votes : 96

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POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostThu Apr 21, 2022 5:08 pm

Been a lot of chatter about this, lets get it going.
The choice is to A) keep things as they are
B--revert to ATG pitching programming, but keep the ATG9 pricing

have at it


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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostFri Apr 22, 2022 7:30 pm

Moose or Palmtana, any way to pin this to the top of the board for 7 days?


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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostFri Apr 22, 2022 7:54 pm



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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostSun Apr 24, 2022 8:47 pm

What they had was insanely unfair and unreal. What they have now is much better, but I miss Terry Fox, to be sure. I say split the difference if you can, but I voted to keep the status quo. THERE ARE BIGGER ISSUES WITH THE GAME.


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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostSun Apr 24, 2022 11:29 pm

southpawcom wrote:What they had was insanely unfair and unreal. What they have now is much better, but I miss Terry Fox, to be sure. I say split the difference if you can, but I voted to keep the status quo. THERE ARE BIGGER ISSUES WITH THE GAME.

Literally everything in this game is relative to the era it was in
No realism exists when you compare players of today with those of even 50 years ago-
as you can see if you watch 10 seconds of footage, the entire size and strength of the average player is vastly,
i mean, vastly, different.
Trying to use a goal of something that can't possibly exist doesn't make any sense.
The goal should be to be able to control the online games as much like the actual dice/computer game as you would making managerial decisions in person.
THAT is the best you can hope for.


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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostMon Apr 25, 2022 7:59 am

Salty covered the realism piece--nothing to add.
The insanely unfair piece--if it only applied to certain managers then yes. But it didn't. This isn't about fairness nor realism and is not in debate.
The bigger issues with the game...now that is at least debatable as there are indeed many things.

The bp algo is one part of the bigger issues with the game's departure from its heritage C&D design, as well as the reduction of managerial transparency and control in the 365 model. Testing of stepwise tweaks whether it's reintroduction of some of those controls with bp algorithm adjustments or by assessing the Max Rules selections, repricing, increasing transparency so we know when card results were changed, would all be worthwhile to bring to the table.

At the extreme, on the current path toward less interface controls and less transparency, we would eventually have a game that's primarily a crapshoot. Which of course, would be favored by some who have not had a lot of success, but at that point, wouldn't be a competition at all and certainly not worth the price of a 5 pack.

That is not to say there aren't legitimate differences of opinion on the substance of the bullpen/pricing--I am talking about the mention of "fairness" which has no root in the conversation on what is to be "fixed."

Radagast Brown

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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostMon Apr 25, 2022 3:17 pm

Call me crazy for wanting to control my bullpen and for thinking 4 starting pitchers pitching 95% of a team's innings for an entire season is much much worse than a so called, " Super Reliever ".

Funny that no one has a problem with Super Starters who pitch 360+ innings... Why even have bullpens???

I thought this was supposed to be the ultimate coach/ GM experience?

With ATG9 everyone builds the same style team, with your four SUPER SPs, and just four pure relievers who are all cheap.

Also in what universe can a MLB pitcher only pitch in TWO SITUATIONS????

This whole thing is very puzzling to me.

I like to be able to control my bullpen, which is why I play pretty much every set except ATG9. Maybe someone can add a dash of common sense in the next decade before they release ATG10, but I won't hold my breath.

Radagast Brown

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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostMon Apr 25, 2022 3:27 pm

Considering most people usually favor the status quo in most situations, this poll is an overwhelming rebuke of the current bullpen system. The vote is not even close.

I come here for the full GM/ COACH EXPERIENCE. If I wanted four SPs to pitch 98% of my team's innings over the course of a season I would play fantasy baseball or whatever video game the kids play nowadays.

Having 4 SPs pitch just about all of your innings, with only 4 pure relievers getting a handful of innings is not the full GM experience, in fact it's not even close. I might as well play fantasy baseball.

If I were STRAT-O-MATIC I would be embarrassed at this debacle.


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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostFri Apr 29, 2022 8:50 am

keep the votes coming.....


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Re: POLL REGARDING ATG8 vs ATG9 Pitching Programming

PostFri Apr 29, 2022 9:22 pm

After a week of being stickied the votes are petering out here so it's time to unsticky. Bump at will of course.

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